Michigan Capitol Protestors Not Exactly Dressed For Success As Right Wingers – IOTW Report

Michigan Capitol Protestors Not Exactly Dressed For Success As Right Wingers


On Sunday, January 17th, 2021, armed protesters began assembling at Michigan’s capitol building in Lansing…

…One such display is taking place in at the Michigan State Capitol Building in Lansing.  It is being met with a small band of protesters who have begun to amass.

In a video by BGOnTheScene, a leader of the small group who is wearing an LGBTQ flag delivers a very brief statement while holding a rifle outside a make-shift fence surrounding the state Capitol as a precaution for the Biden inauguration on January 20th.  He is standing next to what appears to be a Black Lives Matter protester in a BLM hoodie.  All of the protesters, except the speaker, are masked to hide their identities, much like BLM/Antifa would do.  Given all of these facts, it is difficult to believe that most or all of the people taking part in this protest are conservatives or Trump supporters. More

11 Comments on Michigan Capitol Protestors Not Exactly Dressed For Success As Right Wingers

  1. I’ve seen a more organized cohesive group comprised of fellow stragglers who happened to run into each other at closing time from the annual bar crawl than this motley crew.
    I guess it really does take a village…of idiots.

  2. And the gaslighting continues…

    I trust Trump not the media.
    I trust Trump not the Democrats.
    I trust Trump not the GOP.

    We know Trump won in 2020.
    We know the Democrats cheat.
    We know the Republicans are weak.

  3. …they openly stole a presidential election and got away with it…

    …so they even MORE blatantly stole the Senate and got away with it…

    …so they ran a false flag with KNOWN leftists in charge and with ASSISTANCE caught on TAPE by the Capitol police and got away with THAT, too…

    …so now, they aren’t even really bothering to pretend, they’re just doing this for their own amusement before they use it as a pretext to start killing us all…

  4. While I was out at the link to 100%fedup.com I went to a article called “REPORT: 55 People Have Died In US After Taking COVID Vaccine” While it a subject change, some people might want to check it out.

  5. Oh, come on man! These are obviously Trump supporters trying to give a false impression of being Antifa/BLM supporters. If they were Antifa they would be dressed as Trump supporters!

  6. And so we surrender another of our 1st amendment rights to the left. I’m getting might tired of giving ground to these people. American’s don’t retreat, we turn around and fight once we’ve readjusted our lines.

    Somebody, for the love of the Republic, lead the charge.


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