Biden Stumbles Badly On His Victory Lap On Passage Of COVID Bonanza Bill In The Senate – IOTW Report

Biden Stumbles Badly On His Victory Lap On Passage Of COVID Bonanza Bill In The Senate

Red State

Earlier today, the Democrats in the Senate passed their COVID “relief” bill along a party-line vote. Not even Lisa Murkowski or Mitt Romney saw fit to break ranks this time because that’s how bad this piece of legislation is. In fact, only 9% of the bill goes to direct assistance for those who have suffered at the hands of government lockdowns. The rest goes to a smattering of special interests and payoffs, from the National Endowment of the Arts to bailing out blue states that were in dire financial straits long before the pandemic hit.

For some reason, all this led to Joe Biden’s handlers seeing fit to let him out of his bedroom. What followed was yet more proof that this is a man who isn’t fit to be a dog walker, much less the President of the United States. More

13 Comments on Biden Stumbles Badly On His Victory Lap On Passage Of COVID Bonanza Bill In The Senate

  1. His brain is fried. I used to say that he’ll be 25th’d in six months. I moving that up to three months. He CANNOT function as anything above a vegetable.

  2. We all know he’s susan rice’s puppet. That said, what is most frightening, is his inability to repond to an attack requiring swift US respnse – like nukes.

    Rice’s chicomm masters love it, and they will exploit it. Harris the ‘Ho is licking her chops to replace biden, but with the deal the cicomms have with biden as rice’s puppet, biden would have to be dead before they let the ‘Ho in.

  3. Anonymous March 7, 2021 at 3:45 pm –
    “…We all know he’s susan rice’s puppet…”

    I don’t know where you came up with the notion that Susan Rice is a puppet master. She’s a puppet herself – she was trotted out in front of the cameras to lie about Benghazi multiple times, as well as other incidents.

    The unreported, unvetted, unofficial cabinet member of Obumphuk was ValJar.

  4. The reason the RINO’s did not vote for this thing is because they are still having trouble sitting down after their backsides got singed after the last time they sided with their fellow travellers.

  5. Sling Blade was more eloquent. Just imagine what Sling Blade could have accomplished with a teleprompter. He could probably get elected to the Senate in Delaware for six terms.

  6. Fuc….moron. This is who the Demorats voted for. Truly unbelievable. Does he look or sound like a powerful leader to you?? China laughing. You dummies made it easier for us.


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