Nearly Half The Nation Doesn’t Think Joe’s In Charge – IOTW Report

Nearly Half The Nation Doesn’t Think Joe’s In Charge


Voters are evenly divided about President Joe Biden’s ability to perform the duties of his office, and nearly half believe others are really in charge at the White House.

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters believe Biden is really doing the job of president. The same number (47%) say others are making decisions for Biden behind the scenes.  More

Rasmussen daily presidential tracking poll gives Biden a -7 Presidential Approval Index with a nearly steady half the nation disapproving. Here

19 Comments on Nearly Half The Nation Doesn’t Think Joe’s In Charge

  1. It’s truly terrifying that half the people think he is in control.

    This is a 25th Amendment situation.

    Then impeach Kamala. Let Pelosi be President for 3 years. 2022 and 2024 will be landslides.

  2. Only half, how come it’s not far more than that? Are there really that many brain dead Americans who think that joey is really competent and can function as President. I swear it’s the blind leading the blind and retards being led by a retarded old fart who probably doesn’t even know he’s President let alone what day of the week it is.

  3. Cliche Guevara
    MARCH 21, 2021 AT 5:07 PM

    “Then impeach Kamala. Let Pelosi be President for 3 years. 2022 and 2024 will be landslides.”


    Oh look, a voter. Sure, guy, g’head and vote. I’ll be right there to make sure it…*giggle*…I mean, that your vote gets *snicker* “Counted”;>

  4. Uncle Snifflez is a GREAT president. I’m old enough to remember when his predecessor, O’bunghole, dropped the flag to half mast whenever some Dem died. O’biden-bama on the other hand is honoring people we will ALL miss — illegal alien whores. No, Trump was NOT the last president. That was just a mass delusion of wishful thinking.

  5. “ I get it. But I also think that a landslide would beat the margin of theft.”

    In 2020 we saw Donald Trump receive the biggest landslide non-win in American history. They just turned off the machines and changed the algorithms. What makes you think they won’t just do it again?


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