Did CNN Air Fabricated Border Crossing Footage? – IOTW Report

Did CNN Air Fabricated Border Crossing Footage?

Prospect- CNN was warned that the clip appeared to be a fabrication before it aired, but the network decided to run it anyway. A similar clip that appears to show the same or a similar trafficking incident from another angle was shared across right-wing media and even linked to on the social media accounts of members of Congress. This clip went viral among immigration opponents, and is helping to fuel the story of an out-of-control border. The video—legitimized on mainstream media—easily fit into that narrative. Now a series of charges and counter-charges have demonstrated the radioactive politics of immigration.

The scene appears to be just a preview of what’s to come. Yesterday’s Sunday shows centered on the border, fueling a crisis narrative as the administration continued to double down on its “border is closed” messaging.

In the CNN footage, the smuggler leading the boat wears fatigues and a black ski mask. Smugglers typically attempt to blend in with the migrants, to avoid more severe punishment should they be caught. Smugglers also don’t normally provide face masks and life vests, nor ferry six boatloads of people across in broad daylight. Migrants also don’t typically line up single file along the shore to cross.

To Jenn Budd, a former Border Patrol agent, the smuggler’s face mask rang alarm bells. “That told me [the smuggler] knew he would be filmed and he didn’t want to be set up,” she said.

Marianna Treviño Wright, executive director of the National Butterfly Center, pointed out that her organization goes out on the river at least four times a week and never sees any kind of trafficking operation like this.

The Guardian reported that the area of the river where the footage was taken can only be accessed by U.S. Customs and Border Protection–controlled boat slips. Wright confirmed this to the Prospect.


ht/ fdr in hell

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