If “Lab Leak” Is True There Is a “Moral Earthquake” on the Way. – IOTW Report

If “Lab Leak” Is True There Is a “Moral Earthquake” on the Way.

The Guardian-

“Let us pray, now, for science,” intoned a New York Times columnist back at the beginning of the Covid pandemic. The title of his article laid down the foundational faith of Trump-era liberalism: “Coronavirus is What You Get When You Ignore Science.”

Ten months later, at the end of a scary article about the history of “gain of function” research and its possible role in the still ongoing Covid pandemic, Nicholson Baker wrote as follows: “This may be the great scientific meta-experiment of the 21st century. Could a world full of scientists do all kinds of reckless recombinant things with viral diseases for many years and successfully avoid a serious outbreak? The hypothesis was that, yes, it was doable. The risk was worth taking. There would be no pandemic.”

 Except there was. If it does indeed turn out that the lab-leak hypothesis is the right explanation for how it began — that the common people of the world have been forced into a real-life lab experiment, at tremendous cost — there is a moral earthquake on the way.

Because if the hypothesis is right, it will soon start to dawn on people that our mistake was not insufficient reverence for scientists, or inadequate respect for expertise, or not enough censorship on Facebook. It was a failure to think critically about all of the above, to understand that there is no such thing as absolute expertise.


Now do Climate Change.

9 Comments on If “Lab Leak” Is True There Is a “Moral Earthquake” on the Way.

  1. Boom. Every dismissal of a Trump statement, without bothering to even research what he was talking about, was actually a dismissal of the researchers who gave Trump that information. Do they really think that Trump came up with those ideas? He isn’t a doctor and he knows it, he was just repeating what doctors had told him were treatments that showed promise. And yet the Left was willing to force the deaths of thousands of Americans just out of spite for the Orange Man.

    Re ‘Climate Change’, Bjorn Lomborg published Skeptical Environmentalist in 2001, detailing a plethora of cost-effective approaches rather than the carbon offset BS that AlGore and politicians push. And Lomborg believed that it was a major concern. And still nobody cares about anything other than what politicians tell them are solutions. Meanwhile USA CO2 production drops while it goes up elsewhere.

  2. A ‘moral earthquake’ is on the way ?!?!
    Yipes !!!

    …actually, Morality has been reduced to total rubble in this era of Total Dishonesty.
    Behold, the Liar King is our pResident !

  3. More likely an act of asymmetrical war rather than a “leak”. They kept their people from throwing them out of power when their economy cratered, by cratering everyone’s economy, slowed re-shoring, and achieved regime change in DC. One h*ll of a lucky “accident”.

  4. @JustAl

    It is exactly an asymmetrical war where the governments are fighting an undeclared yet obvious enemy, while competing against allies for resources and also fighting against their own citizens for complete control of their lives.

    Its the West vs the Euro West vs Russia, ChYna, the Middle East, radical Islam, while competing against Countries like India for resources (who are allies)

    And its all being funded buying Goods from our enemies thus sustaining their war efforts & economies.


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