Watch: Amazon Driver Who Claimed “Self-Defense” Is Seen On Video Viciously Attacking Her 67 Year-Old Victim – IOTW Report

Watch: Amazon Driver Who Claimed “Self-Defense” Is Seen On Video Viciously Attacking Her 67 Year-Old Victim

I love when liars are caught, it restores my faith in the fact that people suck.

The older woman was notified that her package arrived. She went to the lobby and it wasn’t there. She asked the driver if she had it. She said she’d get it.

15 minutes went by and the woman went back out to ask where it was.

The Amazon driver said something about her white privilege.

The woman said, “you don’t have to be a bitch about it, and walked away.”

This enraged the “unprivileged, uncivilized, woke moron who uses the buzzwords of white pony-tailed professors, and she did what low IQ useful idiots do. She attacked the woman, and then lied about it like leftists do and said she was acting in self-defense.


Now that this thug was caught lying, there are still leftist shitstains who will tell you that the woman “got what she deserved” because she “mouthed off” to a minority. And words are violence! Actual violence, committed by non-whites, is righteousness.

35 Comments on Watch: Amazon Driver Who Claimed “Self-Defense” Is Seen On Video Viciously Attacking Her 67 Year-Old Victim

  1. Remember that part of the original Ghost Busters movie where Peck, from the EPA made them open the containment vault, and released all that evil on the city? Yeah, that’s what our country reminds me of.

  2. Tony,

    Peck was an arrogant ignorant prick but he had a reasonable motive, sort of.

    The Left wants destruction for it’s own sake. Nothing they do is accidental.

  3. Ramirez is being held on $100,000 bail booked on two counts of elder abuse and battery involving serious bodily injury and is set to be arraigned on Monday.

  4. It is amazing how society has conditioned white people no not even fight back.
    (Critcal race theory is much worse)

    Don’t forget to sue who ever (media) slandered the victim as well as Amazon.

  5. Looks to me like the delivery to the whole building was still to be made. But going postal , hold on there was no shooting, but snapping over an inpatient customer is the kind of thing that has some races untrusting of others based on skin colors

  6. I say that Amazon should pay the woman billions of dollars in punitive damages. They go out of their way to inculcate a sense of white people being morally inferior and are 100% responsible for promoting this shit.

  7. If I was her lawyer I would look into whether or not Amazon has any critical race theory in writing using language like “white privilege” I wouldn’t argue that the language used in this policy was the direct cause of the woman’s assault, and therefore Amazon has direct liability monetarily

  8. Ten heavy blows with the right hand, a couple with the left, including a couple in which the assailant appeared to use both hands to direct the blows to the head.
    There was also a right handed blow, which would be characterized as a “round house” blow at the end of the direct physical assault.
    The blows all appeared to be directed at the head, and the victim was seen to be trying to protect herself by holding her hands up to ward off the blows and trying to protect herself using her forearms, and the assailant saw she was trying to protect her face, so the last, what appeared to be a full force blow with her whole body behind it, was directed from below upward, in order to overcome the victims attempts to defend herself.
    The victims attempts to protect herself were all passive, she didn’t strike out at the assailant, but tried to hold her forearms over her face and bending down in an attempt to keep the assailant from hitting her directly in the face.
    It could be best described as cowering.
    It does look like a spontaneous attack, “snapped”, into violence without warning and struck the victim from behind.
    After the assailant stopped hitting the person, the victim stood up straight and tried to get into her building using her keys, understandably fumbling with the keys, while the assailant continued to make threatening movements, and seemed to be yelling repeatedly into her face.
    The physical assault phase lasted about four to five seconds.
    There appeared to be an object, perhaps a key chain, attached to the assailants right wrist, although difficult to make out on the surveillance video.
    The blows were actually struck by the fist and forearm, where the key chain was attached to the assailants wrist.
    If there was an object, such as a key or key chain which the assailant was holding while striking vicious blows as the victim, there was be a possibility of the attack being classified as an armed attack, the key, keys or key chain actually being used as a weapon.
    The events, words exchanged, prior to the attack, may have been in some way provoking, however the violent response appears to be inappropriate, far beyond what would be considered appropriate, even in a verbal attack. The exchange of words would likely be characterized as provoking an attack by a defense attorney, but regardless of what words were exchanged, the physical attack by the assailant appears to be inappropriate in the circumstances.
    The victim was just trying to get away, get back into her building.
    The assailant was allowed to enter the building with deliveries afterward. The victim should have slammed the door and summoned help. The assault could have continued.
    I think it’s important to analyze the exchange, try to categorize actions and responses. Such engagements often are abrupt, without warning and are over before you even know what happened. I have been the victim of a sudden violent physical assault in the distant past, and they occur suddenly without warning and ordinarily are over quickly.
    An older person is susceptible to more extensive, even fatal injuries than a younger person undergoing the same attack.
    I’m not sure what the charges will be. Often if first offense, a person may get off lightly with good legal defense.

  9. We need to start tracking down these people and kill them as Enemy Combatants , the DemonCrats have given them a ‘open season’ to violence and evil doing . Then The Globalist Leaders and al l Their Corporate Proxy Officers and their families , then The Central Banking Familiea , and The Euro Royal Pedophile Houses and The Vatican . Then all Illegal Invaders must be deported , even the kids born here illegally , or exterminated . And , We need a President to state openly , Mexico is our Mortal Enemy , Declare War on it and destroy it completely .

  10. 1/2 of my family are democrats, wonder what they will think when this happens to them, have one in California and one on Texas in the most democratic cities in each state. Neither one speaks to me any more, I just figure that I was telling them how their party works and being correct just fuels their anger at me for not being a democrat.


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