Giant Pandas Might Just Be Around A While Longer – IOTW Report

Giant Pandas Might Just Be Around A While Longer


Giant pandas are no longer classified as endangered but are still vulnerable, Chinese officials say.

The classification was downgraded as their number in the wild has reached 1,800.

Experts say that the country managed to save its iconic animal through its long-term conservation efforts, including the expansion of habitats.

12 Comments on Giant Pandas Might Just Be Around A While Longer

  1. pandas
    It about time we got to this. Seriously.
    It pisses me off.
    The chainese send pandas over here, and when they have babies, they want the babies back. Somehow, they’re not American. But if chainese come over here and have ababy in a motel in californica, the baby is American and can stay.
    I guess I’m not as pissed as I used to be, or I’d have more to say, but it just ain’t right.

  2. Thank G-d for the pandas.

    What we should probably have is a no-limit destruction permit for soy-boys.

    Manhood is vulnerable these days.

  3. Only until the chinese come to believe that consuming panda testicles cures impotence or enlarges your penis — something along those lines. Then they’ll be wiped out in a week.

  4. Chinks are funny about eating testicles.

    Oh, you said panda balls. I don’t even know how you find bear balls.

    I like how they blame the white man for the lack of panda balls.

    Aren’t chinks white? They aren’t negroes, I’m pretty sure.

    I have to say I don’t give a tinker’s fucking cuss about pandas. Or bears. Or chinks.

    It’s a pity the things you see when you don’t have a gun.

  5. Though they probably don’t have a reason to lie about this, I would take anything that the Chinese say that makes them look good with a grain of salt.

  6. I read a few years ago that if it weren’t for human intervention, pandas would have died out because of natural selection.

    Heaven knows that nothing ever went extinct before man came along.


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