COVID deaths in no-lockdown Sweden hit ZERO – IOTW Report

COVID deaths in no-lockdown Sweden hit ZERO


Last year, London’s Guardian newspaper called Sweden’s laissez-faire approach to the coronavirus pandemic – generally allowing the coronavirus to run its course while the population reaches herd immunity – a “catastrophe” in the making, while CBS News said the Scandinavian nation had become “an example of how not to handle COVID-19.”

But unlike its European neighbors, Sweden is welcoming visitors while businesses and schools are open with virtually no restrictions and there are no mask mandates, points out the Foundation for Economic Education.

And data show the seven-day rolling average for COVID deaths on Wednesday was zero, which is where it has been for about a week.

Sweden’s overall mortality rate in 2020 was lower than most of Europe, FEE added, and its economy suffered far less.


11 Comments on COVID deaths in no-lockdown Sweden hit ZERO

  1. Fakebook and Twatter will “fact check” this out of existence.
    Does anyone know if Sweden is pushing big pharma’s experimental money machine vax?

  2. There is science and common sense. Our country relied on neither. The science and common sense showed masks do nothing, lockdowns cause more damage than good, you quarantine the sick not the healthy. Herd immunity is what you always want with a virus.

  3. @ Billy Fuster

    Well I do know that Moderna and Pfizer each have received at least $6 billion of taxpayers money and that’s just from our country. Amazon and WalMart’s profits went through the roof.
    Several Senators and Reps own stock in Moderna and Pfizer. Fauci is also making money.
    Hospitals who usually exist on small profits, have profited greatly.
    China has produced even more shit than usual while our few manufacturers have been shut down.

    So it looks like a lot have profited off of this plandemic.

  4. It helps a lot not having unrestricted illegal immigration as well as a government that then flies and buses those unvaccinated all over the interior of the nation.

    But, hey. It’s all you people who refuse to be injected with an unapproved experimental vaccine that has killed thousands that are at fault. According to the our government anyway.

  5. I remember in the early stages of this bio attack, when they were going to lock us down for just 6 weeks, Fauci kept talking about eventually reaching natural herd immunity. WTF happened to that? And personally I do believe that is taking place.


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