Biden Spreads Covid… Lies – IOTW Report

Biden Spreads Covid… Lies

18 Comments on Biden Spreads Covid… Lies

  1. Who to believe? The Libberish spouting, dementia suffering, old guy who lies about everything, or the people yelling questions at Dementia Joe who lie about everything? It’s a tough one, isn’t it?

  2. And he eases worry over “inflation” with a comment like…
    ”’s not that big a deal. Things that used to cost 10 cents will just cost 20 cents now.”

    Gee, uncle Joe. Could that mean things that used to cost $5000 dollars might now cost $10,000?

    And I hate when he gets all tangled up in his own stupid gibberish and slows his feeble mind with ”Look.”
    Like it’s all of US that just don’t understand the intricacies of government.

    Whatever, you stupid motherfucker. 😠

  3. Look our pay checks only buy half of what it did when Trump was in office. Not a big f ing deal he says. Got it.
    The important thing is the thing you know. Big guy gets his dime.

  4. The left is all bullshit, all the time.

    Whatever they say, the opposite is true. Whatever they accuse someone of, they are doing themselves.

    No so difficult to understand, is it.


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