On Top Of Everything Else We Have Murder Hornet Sightings – IOTW Report

On Top Of Everything Else We Have Murder Hornet Sightings

nbc news

For the second time this year, a “murder hornet” has been spotted in Washington state, officials said Thursday.

But it’s the first confirmed report of a live Asian giant hornet in the state in 2021, the Washington State Department of Agriculture said. The sighting in Whatcom County was reported Wednesday.

Earlier this summer, a dead insect was found north of Seattle. More

Update: the news tribune

On Thursday, an agriculture team captured a live Asian Giant Hornet and they got another one Friday morning, Aug. 13, according to a department Facebook post. More

15 Comments on On Top Of Everything Else We Have Murder Hornet Sightings

  1. As long as you wash your hands regularly, wear 2 masks, and social distance for about 2 weeks to flatten the curve, the murder hornets can’t get you.

  2. Could they be trained to prefer Dumb-A$$ed brain dead liberals.
    At least 1/2 of Washington State and Congress would be in trouble.
    What ever happened to the Africanized bees, that were taking over the world?
    Have they been testing mRNA on insects?

  3. I’m more worried of running over an underground yellow jacket nest with the lawnmower like my neighbor did yesterday. Funniest thing I’ve seen lately. And it couldn’t have happened to a better democrat.


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