Afghan “Evacuee” In VA And WI Brought Measles With Them – IOTW Report

Afghan “Evacuee” In VA And WI Brought Measles With Them


I wonder how many of the refugees housed at Fort McCoy in Wisconsin have been exposed to measles and wondered off base? Here

13 Comments on Afghan “Evacuee” In VA And WI Brought Measles With Them

  1. Bring unvetted and diseased Afghanis to the US and leave 1,000 to 2,000 Americans abandoned. Leave all of the Military equipment, helicopters, Jets, Technology, arms, ammunition and pallets of cash. Then send the Taliban $64 Million for humanitarian aid, because we all know the Taliban is Humanitarian.

    The Biden administration is batting .000% on the success meter.

    It’s as if high unemployment, inflation, higher taxes, high cost of fuel, food, transportation, wuhan flu and business closings aren’t enough to cripple this nation. And all this happened in 9 months.

    God Help us the next 3 years of the same incompetence!!!
    Or is the Full Transformation of the US to Marxism?


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