Caption – IOTW Report


73 Comments on Caption

  1. Boy Dog (in dogspeak): I can’t hardly breath with this mask on. I feel the way George Floyd must have felt. She’s such a stupid liberal bitch – I mean our human, not you.

    I can’t hardly breathe either. What can we do?

    Boy Dog: When we get back home, let’s pee on her leg.

    Girl Dog: How about we leave a fragrant memento on her dining room floor?

    Boy Dog: Let’s do both.

    Girl Dog: Let’s do it right here in Wal Mart. They’ll never let her back in.

    Boy Dog: Do It? You mean have sex right here in Wal Mart?

    Girl Dog: Now that you mention it, why not?

    Boy Dog: After sex, we could both throw up as well.

    Girl Dog: I do that every time anyway. And growl and bite little kids.

    Boy Dog: Better not bite anyone – she could take us back to pound for that.

    Girl Dog: OK. Lets just build up a lot of saliva and slobber all over the Manager’s shoes.

    Boy Dog: Good idea. They’ll never let her back here in a million years.

  2. About 2 years ago Jennifer and I almost literally ran into an elderly gentleman, in Wallyworld, who had a wee dachshund wearing a mask in his cart.

    It was cute, and humorous back then. We took it as he was making fun of masks. He may have been a crank, too, but he was jolly when everybody who saw the little dog with the mask became jolly.

    Now it’s sickening. One thing about kungflu is that we now know all the cranks and nazis. Even in a place like rural MO, where we assumed there were no cranks or nazis. Cranks are everywhere. They may even be in your family.


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