Rittenhouse Says He Supports BLM – IOTW Report

Rittenhouse Says He Supports BLM


“This case has nothing to do with race,” Rittenhouse said. “It never had anything to do with race. It had to do with the right to self-defense.”

“I’m not a racist person,” he continued. “I support the BLM movement. I support peacefully demonstrating. I believe there needs to be change. I believe there’s a lot of prosecutorial misconduct, not just in my case but in other cases. It’s just amazing to see how much a prosecutor can take advantage of someone.”


28 Comments on Rittenhouse Says He Supports BLM

  1. Kyle, please, whatever you do, do not turn into another David Hogg.

    It’s one thing to care about every human being, created by God, regardless of their heritage. It’s another to say that the arguments of the BLM organization have any merit.

  2. He is just priming the civil suit lawyers with ammo for when he takes the media to the cleaners. This is all part of the plan I suspect. Hope the Kid gets every dollar out of the snakes that he can.


  3. Is Kyle saying that to emphasize he was falsely accused of being a white supremacist and have it on record when he SUES the crap outta everybody including President Poopy pants?

  4. Sadly, I think Kyle may be just like most 18 yr olds in The United States. Highly influenced, indoctrinated by the socialist public school system. He speaks too genuinely about his beliefs to think his remarks are a strategic tactic to beef up lawsuits. Face it. He’s a liberal.
    Hopefully, real Constitutional conservatives get this kid’s mind right – eventually.

  5. Not sure about the motive here? But I don’t support people that want to kill us.
    But I am thankful to Kyle and somewhat for the left for providing this opportunity to show they can’t kill or railroad us without consequences.
    2A is still here so far. You would think kile would know th thugs were/are part of BLM?

  6. We know nothing about Young Kyle’s political beliefs> The kid maybe a raging Libtards. My rights to Protect me and mine were also on trial. I chucked him a couple 10 spots. Who knows if he collected.
    What I need from Kyle going forward is for him to Sue any and all assholes that have an issue with using a firearm to protect yourself.

  7. just a guess … seriously doubt that Rittenhouse actually expressed this.
    more like something written by an ‘advisor’ that’s looking at the long-term lawsuit $$$ coming down the pike

    could be wrong … just a gut felling
    take a deep breath & let’s not get our panties in a bung & be outraged (like the left) too soon

  8. My belief is this is what the “family Spokesman” is telling him to say. I can’t remember his name, but he suddenly wormed his way into their lives and suddenly became in control of the defense they hired, money and what they say to media.

    Thankfully the evidence was overwhelming and the rest of the jurors overcame the Karen, and I do believe there was a Karen. However, if it wasn’t for that his defense were likely to have lost it for him.

    I’m certainly not an attorney, but since a teen have liked watching trials. I became hoarse yelling at them to object, and shook my head numerous times of their questioning their own witnesses, they were a little better at cross examining, but still not great.

    I watched some of the Riekata law stuff and it seems most of the attorneys were on the same page.

    In the end though we have to remember he’s a kid, a kid from a broken home and he went through something not a lot of men could have survived and most men would have some psychological issues now. Any kid though is going to do and say what the adults around him tell him to say.

  9. I don’t buy his “I support BLM” comment on the surface. There is an underlying motive there somewhere. The kid is wise beyond his years, he knows what he is saying.

  10. He’s a kid and he’s not necessarily all that bright.

    A lot of people remain ignorant in that they regard support for BLM as tantamount to saying that they support equal rights and opportunity for all.

  11. He made thru the battle, he did well in court, now he has to navigate media quicksand. We don’t know a lot about him because he wisely kept his mouth shut the last 15mo. He could have easily sabotaged his own defense but he didn’t. I haven’t seen this anywhere but Breitbart yet. I can’t wait to see how the lying media spins the white supremist supports BLM story.

  12. I don’t care what he says or who he supports. When it came time he did the right thing by trying to help defend local business and when the SHTF he stood his ground. The kid has more stones than most people complaining about what he is saying right now. Doesn’t matter. What mattered is that he stood his ground, went to jail, was tried and found innocent without pleading out, coping out, or crying about his circumstances.
    The kid (I.m 72) gets my full support and thanks. And we all owe him for providing to us another successful legal challenge to anti-gunners.
    “I would rather you just said thank you,… Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand a post. – Col. Jessep


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