Watch Psaki – The Root Cause For Smash n’ Grabs is The Pandemic – IOTW Report

Watch Psaki – The Root Cause For Smash n’ Grabs is The Pandemic

15 Comments on Watch Psaki – The Root Cause For Smash n’ Grabs is The Pandemic

  1. These people (I use that term loosely) aren’t trying to govern the country, they are trying to transform it. I would guess that there are two factions at work. 1. The ideologues who think that installing leftism will usher in paradise for all. 2. The power/money hungry who are using leftism as a Trojan Horse to rise to the top and gain control much like Chavez and Maduro did. They are just spouting crap to avoid having to admit they are failures at governing.

  2. @ Cynic DECEMBER 2, 2021 AT 12:12 PM

    I can not go along with anyone sincerely believing that installing leftism will usher in paradise for all. I firmly believe that anyone who does not belong in a straight jacket comprehends what progressivism is all about. It is all about advancing Satna’s agenda of increasing innocent human suffering, misery and death here on earth with the ultimate goal being separating as many innocent souls from God as possible.


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