Aaron Rodgers Takes on Biden and COVID Censors – IOTW Report

Aaron Rodgers Takes on Biden and COVID Censors

Red State

Is Aaron Rodgers the most based person to ever play NFL QB? Probably not, given some of the crazy stories I’ve heard about some of the guys who suited up in the 60s and 70s, but in the modern era, Rodgers is certainly leading the pack.

With his first playoff game (this year) looming this weekend, Rodgers isn’t holding back in regards to the criticism he’s received for his views on COVID-19. In fact, it seems to be fueling his fire to take the NFL apart this year. Still, his latest interview is a step further than anything he’s said before and could legitimately be described as shocking. More

The full interview, (note: the relevant part begins 2/3rds down the page under the heading “HE BECAME BOLDER”.) Here

7 Comments on Aaron Rodgers Takes on Biden and COVID Censors

  1. The 60s and 70s didn’t have the cancel culture like we have today. For him to stand up tall and unafraid to these rabid wolverines who just want to tear a person apart because he has different ideas from them requires huge balls of steel. It must be hard for Rodgers to carry them around.

  2. Aaron dated Danica so he does make some iffy decisions but I agree with his Free Choice & FJB attitude.

    Rogers didn’t loose the game Yesterday.
    The blocked punt was pathetic from a GB perspective.
    He could have been better but the 49er Defence played very well. Jimmy G was not good but he did just enough to get through towards the end.

    Go Tampa/Brady/DeSantis
    Go Bills, 4 superbowl losses in a row. (OMG)

    However, it would not surprise me if there is an officiating “Tilt” towards a KC vs Tampa rematch.

  3. “Aaron dated Danica so he does make some iffy decisions but I agree with his Free Choice & FJB attitude.”

    Quite possibly that is the point at which he recognized that conceding good intentions to followers of the progressive movement is not only a fool’s errand, it is to be complicit in their wicked and evil designs. Spending time in close proximity to one of them certainly brought that message home to me.

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