Wisconsin Becomes 16th State to Ratify “Convention of States” Resolution – IOTW Report

Wisconsin Becomes 16th State to Ratify “Convention of States” Resolution

US News and World Report

The Wisconsin Senate was poised to pass a resolution Tuesday calling for a convention of the states to consider making changes to the U.S. Constitution, an effort backed by Republicans and opposed by Democrats.

The full Wisconsin Legislature in 2017 passed a resolution that allowed for calling a convention to consider a balanced budget amendment. The latest proposal, which the Assembly passed last year, is more expansive.

It allows for the convention to consider three things: imposing fiscal restraints on the federal government; limiting the federal government’s powers and jurisdiction; and imposing term limits for members of Congress and other federal officials. More

The measure was approved. Here

18 Comments on Wisconsin Becomes 16th State to Ratify “Convention of States” Resolution

  1. As much as I like the idea of a Convention of the States, I don’t think it has a chance to improve our position and would likely weaken it. I believe we need to work within our existing framework, enforce the laws that are currently on the books and not risk what the Soros type TRAITOROUS BASTARDS have in store if we successfully put a Convention of the States in play.

  2. @joe6pak — We agree. I’ve got strong misgivings about the way a constitutional convention of the states would end up playing out.

    I will point out, though, that if you take a broad view our “existing framework” encompasses the Declaration of Independence and the American Revolutionary War.

  3. As spineless as the republicans in congress are now, I’d be afraid they would let the dems. run over them just like they do with everything else right now. I would like to see the 17th. amendment repealed so the states could get a little of their power over the federal gov. back. But I don’t see that happening either.

  4. You really want our “current” rePUBLIcant party and the demOCrats to have the ability to change our Constitution….????

    The demOCrats and demOCrat lites….NO WAY….Conservatives don’t have a political party that represents us….We only have a rePUBLIcant Party that comes around during election time for our money and votes.

  5. Well, it is prudent to recall that our existing U.S. Constitution came about when they all met at the Philadelphia Convention to ostensibly tidy & beef up the original Articles of Confederation, which had been the national ‘rule of law’ for a scant 6 years. They promptly threw the Articles out and drafted up a U.S. Constitution for a representative federal republic, instead. To get all the Colony’s on board, they did have to append the first 10 amendments, or Bill of Rights.

    That mostly prescient crew actually did a fairly good job, all things considered. Regrettably, today, we have nowhere near that caliber of statesman, in any abundance, erudition, or simple competence, for such a like effort. Corruption, graft, greed, weakness, and just plain evil color far too many hearts…both inside, and outside government. In this season I do not, and cannot trust a convention of states.

    I fear the only solution may very well be that as outlined within the Declaration of Independence. Only, however, after we first purpose ourselves back to God. Our peoples and nation will fail into enslavement elsewise. Deut. 31.6; Isa. 41:10; Rom. 8:38-39. Rom. 8:31

    Eph. 6:11-18
    Psa 23:4

  6. Rewriting the country’s constitution has been the hallmark of every socialist dictocracia since Chavez began socialismo del siglo 21 (with the heartfelt assistance of “Jimmuh the bunny-slayer” Carter). If conservatives in the US are calling for it, they are, at best, willing dupes, at worst, wholly complicit.

    If they can’t get what they want with the amendment process, the country doesn’t want it.

    Nothing good will come of a Constitutional Convention in the current context.

  7. Convention of the States will be hijacked by the Totalitarians – they control the narrative – they control the Media – they control the ballot boxes.

    Until (and unless) the election process is cleared of fraud, no trust can be placed in anything that emerges and the Convention will degenerate into factionalism. There’s nothing wrong with the Constitution as it stands – the problem is that the nihilists cannot impose their agenda if the Constitution is the law of the land – and the SCROTUS is doing everything in its power to eviscerate it – even though there are still millions upon millions who read and understand.
    We are being driven to dissolution by the forces of totality – and from that dissolution they hope to build upon the American carcass a New World Order – a nihilistic totalitarian nightmare of world-wide scope.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  8. Yeah, best to keep doing things the same way we have been and hope for different results.

    The political class is probably right on the verge of changing course to restore looking out for the nation and its people instead of themselves.

  9. The resolution passed in Wisconsin limits the convention to three amendments: a.) balanced budget b.) term limits c.) limits on federal reach

    Nothing more, nothing less

  10. Dr. Tar,
    Begging your pardon, but the Constitution IS a limit on Federal reach – which is routinely ignored.
    And Balanced Budget will be written (or “interpreted”) as a Constitutional requirement to raise taxes to meet the bullshit spending.
    That leaves Term Limits.
    Voters could do that now if they weren’t so stupid and/or apathetic.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  11. A “Convention of States” to look at changing the Constitution is the stupidest most dangerous idea imaginable. There is NOTHING WRONG with the Constitution as it is written. What needs to happen is we must FORCE THOSE IN OFFICE to obey it.
    Any such “convention” would be swiftly hijacked by the left and used to DESTROY the Constitution removing what few impediments remain to their crime spree.

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