He’s dead, Jim – IOTW Report

He’s dead, Jim

35 Comments on He’s dead, Jim

  1. America – great while it lasted.

    Only took one decidedly stolen (Obola’s second “election” was most likely a dry-run) election and a cabal of traitors in the Agencies to kill us.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. …McCoy sure gives up easy, doesn’t he? I KNOW they have CPR in the ST:TOS universe because we see him trying to resuscitate Chancellor Gorkon, he even starts hitting him with a precordial thump, which is unlikely to succeed without actually knowing something about his heart rhythm, but somehow does anyway, just long enough to be dramatic.


    …but because of the bleeding and McCoy’s failure to attempt any volume replacement despite knowing he has severe blood loss (“His wounds are not closing!”), he then dies after saying his piece, and McCoy just abandons the effort after that. (Side note: when have we seen a phaser leave just a blood hole before or since? And wouldn’t a phaser be self-cauterizing if it DID? But I digress…)

    …so anyway, we KNOW they have and teach heroic lifesaving measures in the 23rd century because of this scene, so that means McCoy simply chooses not to do his duty most days. He doesn’t even attempt SUPER basic stuff like placing the patient in recovery position, head tilt/chin lift, jaw thrust…nup, nuttin!

    Just “He’s dead, Jim!”

    …I can only assume they actually DID kill all the lawyers, at least the TORT ones in future, because between McCoy’s malpractice and Kirk’s incompetence ranging from misfeasance to outright dereliction of duty, in OUR world both of them would have been cashiered and sued into oblivion halfway through Season 1, and maybe Spock too for letting it happen…

  3. Speaking of dead, I just read on Hot Air that a poll was taken concerning whether Americans would fight a military invasion here in the US.

    The poll discovered the vast majority of Republicans and Independents would stay and fight while the vast majority of Demonrats would cut and run like the little pinko pussies they are….

    Surprise, Surprise, as Gomer would say. Guess that would be one way to rid America of our commie trolls.

  4. @ Tim – FJB MARCH 8, 2022 AT 5:40 AM

    Neither Romney or McCain would have been one bit better than Obama and both had the potential to have been worse. I say that after having voted for both reluctantly and then thinking about the ramifications had they won in context of what they subsequently did.

    The Republican establishment component is a vital and integral element to moving the progressive movement’s agenda. It is only in looking back that I fully comprehend and appreciate the part they were playing in the deliberate, wanton and systematic destruction of what America stood for.

  5. In reply to Tony R’s comment, my sister and I “adore” Galaxy Quest, the movie. I will stop what I am doing, to watch it. My other 2 movies which I do this for, are “Travels with my Aunt, a Maggie Smith movie from 1969 and “Drop Dead Gorgeous” from 1997 or 1998.

  6. Wild Bill
    MARCH 8, 2022 AT 11:27 AM
    “Not only merely dead, really most sincerely dead.”

    …my favorite Wizard of Oz scene…


    …althogh I DO question how the coroner “Thoroughly examined her” considering that (a) Dorothy’s house was still firmly parked on her, and (b) she appeared to shrivel away as soon as Glinda stole the shoes from a dead woman’s feet and regifted them to a teenager who happened to be the EXACT SAME SIZE.

    Coroners I’ve known were a bit pickier.

    One time we had a body recovery where a guy got knocked off his motorcycle on a highway and ripped to literal pieces by the 5 or so cars that subsequently ran over him. After a festive night of the entire department running hither and yon collecting human chunkage by flashlight, we retired to the morgue with our whiffy bags of former human only to be told that he wasn’t dead and we had to take our collection to a nearby hospital to have him declared dead before Peter Lorre would accept him as such.

    They’re a bit more officious than that, is my point.

    Also, more recently, I had a kid die at work where I had participated in the ultimately futile efforts to to revive him, as I documented here previously so I won’t repeat. I was very curious why a 19 year old would die of cardiac arrest fir obvious reasons, so I tried to get the PUBLIC RECORD death certificate, only to have to wait FOUR MONTHS before getting one that said “Cardiac Arrhythmia Of Unknown Etiology”.

    …so all I can say is, while I don’t know Oz law in particular, the Munchkin Coroner appears to be at LEAST as much of a political pompous ass as OURS is, so I SERIOUSLY doubt you’d get a souvenier death certificate in illuminated script and everything 5 minutes after a house crushed a decedent, of all the wild things Over The Rainbow, THAT was the hardest thing for ME to believe…

  7. The other day at the store I saw 3 brains on display. One, a Republican brain, listed for $450, right next to it a Libertarian, priced out at $325. The 3rd, a Democrat brain, cost $175mil! I asked the clerk “WTH! That can’t be right. Why is the Demo so expensive” She said, “Well, it’s the only one in existence, and it’s never been used.”

    Heard that a couple years back, and it never gets old. Kinda shines a light on all the walking dead.



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