Latest CBS News Poll Rains Fire on Joe Biden’s Presidency – IOTW Report

Latest CBS News Poll Rains Fire on Joe Biden’s Presidency


Coming up with headlines for these types of articles continues to get more and more difficult given the propensity of bad polling for the Biden administration. Every few days, there’s a new barrel scraper in the news. How many turns of phrase are there for “absolutely terrible?” Yet, I keep moving forward, googling synonyms in order to keep you informed.

With that said, today’s descriptor is “rains fire” because that’s pretty much what the latest CBS News poll does to Joe Biden’s presidency. The top-line approval of 42 percent may seem like it’s an improvement compared to some other recent surveys, but remember, trends are denoted within the history of a single poll. Some polls will be lower, others higher, but what do their individual trends say? In this case, 42 percent approval is a record low, down 20 points from Biden’s honeymoon high.

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14 Comments on Latest CBS News Poll Rains Fire on Joe Biden’s Presidency

  1. Mr.Pinko
    APRIL 12, 2022 AT 10:21 AM
    “Cheaters never prosper.”

    C’mon man!

    I’m set for life, above all laws, put a judge on the SC that will legalize my fucking children, I can start WW III to cover my secrets, and I’m still the boss of YOU.

    Seems like I’m prospering just fine.

  2. Like the manager in the movie This is Spinal Tap, Joe Biden’s fluffers are telling him that he’s not unpopular, it’s just that his appeal has become more selective.

  3. Pretty much anything related to, or out of, CBS is shit.
    42% approval among CBS employees, maybe, but certainly not among Americans.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. A few suggestions
    Biden polls lower than overflowing port a potty

    Biden polls beneath a pile of week old dirty diapers.

    Biden polls underneath dripping dumpster of rotting tuna carcasses on a ninety degree day.

    Perhaps a contest is in order

  5. One day, some day, we’ll all wake up, take a deep breath and resolve to wipe all this insultingly stupid sheeit off the face of the planet.

    As satisfying as seriously overdue Spring Cleaning, it will be.

    Joke biden* will become what little kids call any bug that they stepped on.

  6. What this signifies is that for many voters the Biden malAdministration hasn’t stolen enough from the rightful owners and handed it over to them to satisfy their covetous impulse.

  7. They say their ready to give back what they stole, left-tard blows big smelly fart, he claims, now were even! He says he’s savin another one when he shakes hands with your big guy, at the next rally. CBS poll, completely fake.

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