China’s Real Estate Bubble an Existential Threat to The Regime – IOTW Report

China’s Real Estate Bubble an Existential Threat to The Regime

The temptation for any government is to paper over its financial problems and let the situation feaster. China forced the savings of its citizens to all flow into real estate, except nobody can live in the apartment blocks built well away from the major cities.

Recognizing that developers had gotten out of control, the communist country has been reining them in with the prospect of imploding their entire economy in a real estate bubble of epic proportions.

China expert Serpentza, explains how this impending disaster was created and who is going to be wiped out when it finally collapses. Be sure to read through the comment for further insight as to the extent of this investment debacle. Watch

5 Comments on China’s Real Estate Bubble an Existential Threat to The Regime

  1. CCP can’t run its own country. Heck, it’s communist so of course it can’t.
    But it sure knows how to take money from others.

  2. Well, releasing a biological weapon on the world forestalled their losing power by three years, now that they’ve trained the peasants to stay inside all they have to do is release another one, or maybe invade Taiwan for a diversion.

  3. This is one reason central government economic planning is stupid – it’s run by politicians who are frequently economically ignorant. So you really want AOC, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Shumer, Joe Biden, Adam Schiff, etc. etc. telling you how the economy should be run? No, these folks are ignorant.

    China is taking a little longer than Russia, Cuba and Venezuela to collapse, but collapse it will.

  4. ‘CCP can’t run its own country. Heck, it’s communist so of course it can’t.
    But it sure knows how to take money from others.’ — DANCO

    Just like the Dems


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