67.5 mil for this? It’s no Hunter Biden – IOTW Report

67.5 mil for this? It’s no Hunter Biden

I’ll pass on this Picasso.

19 Comments on 67.5 mil for this? It’s no Hunter Biden

  1. I was an artist and didn’t know it. I, too, can produce bullshit.

    I probably learned that when Neil Young did a one note solo on Cinnamon Girl. I knew I was lost. I could never be as hip as these talentless fucksticks.

  2. Hmm.
    Independent game studio logo?
    First pass at and then promptly rejected video game character design?

    I’m an artist but never a fan of Picasso. His early stuff when he actually due stuff was…okay. Just not my cup of tea. I hate his color palette too.
    (that’s mean!) lol

  3. Picasso was a fellow-traveler.
    That’s all that was necessary to his career.
    Outside of his “blue period” his work is puerile and insulting.
    His hatred of all things good and beautiful comes through his paintings.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Picasshole was a creep and a bad person. He’d beat up his sex partners, both male and female.

    Ladies, I think that’s much worse that making boob jokes, a subject that came up here a few days ago.

    To this day, women adore Picasshole.

  5. ..the only Picasso I like is “Guernica”, and that only because of the subject matter that gives it context, which is to express the horror of Hitler using the Spanish Civil War as practice for bombing civilian populations in the titular Basque town of Guernica, Spain in behalf of his buddy Generallisimo Francisco Franco who, I have it on good authority, is still dead…




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