The Current Thing: Monkeypox – IOTW Report

The Current Thing: Monkeypox

12 Comments on The Current Thing: Monkeypox

  1. Do they think that this one will win over those of us that know the Chinese flu was a scam? That we’ll see the light and get the latest, greatest, BESTEST YET mRNA vax so we can be “just” hospitalized instead of toes up?

    Because I’m not getting this.

  2. Monkey Pox has been known about since at least 1970, why is it suddenly a world-wide crisis now? Could it possibly have anything to do with the fact that the dems are about to get clobbered in the mid term elections.

  3. Today in his sub-stack Robert Malone says genome an molecular analysis show the virus was probably altered in a lab. The changes cannot be explained by natural mutation.

    He still calls it fear porn.

  4. So who here lives Colorado or someone who does?

    State health officials conduct contact tracing after the recent Colorado monkeypox case

    Officials with Centura Health told FOX31 that the male patient, who became the second presumed positive monkeypox case in Colorado, did visit St. Anthony hospital. However, it’s not clear if it was related to treatment for monkeypox. But not long after that visit, he did test positive.

    An anonymous healthcare worker with knowledge of this specific case told the Problem Solvers numerous hospital employees may have been exposed to this patient.

    Well I’m sure those health care workers didn’t have sex with the patient, so, that leaves only a couple of sources to contract the pox. Direct contact, or it’s aerosol. I’ll take aerosol for $1,000 Alex.

    Maarten De Cock

    A 2017 #monkeypox outbreak in the Central African Republic had some cases of ‘transport-related transmission’: a nurse, a taxi driver and a ferry boat driver who transported monkeypox patients got infected.

    I would not rule out aerosol transmission here.

  5. @Tony R: (1968) Spooky Head 😷 💙 #NotMovingOn
    Replying to

    Smallpox and Monkeypox in Non-human Primates. Arita (1968).

    Bull. Org. mond. Sante 1968, 39, 277-283Bull. Wld Hith Org.
    Smallpox and Monkeypox in Non-human Primates

    There’s a chart at the link with the years pox had an outbreak. Dr. Malone might be right about it being altered in a lab. We know covid was.

  6. ‘MONEY-POX’ which benefits the white supremacist Joe Biden, Fauci-Mengele, polluted democrat party, sinister money-grubbing WHO, the Gates toad, big phake pharma, gluttonous globalists, et al.

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