Prayers – IOTW Report


We are seeing so much of this lately, our beloved readers in a bit of peril. But we are a close-knit bunch, and our energy strengthens our community.

From Eugenia-

Please may I ask for the help from IOTWR prayer warriors?  Having them behind me in the past was an enormous help and comfort.

Cardiac issues – damn I am getting old and crankier.  Probably started when I developed Graves’ Disease at 38.  Very hyperthyroid but never had the eye issues.  It can damage the heart.  Spent last weekend in the hospital, which has improved a lot in the last decade.  My private room looked a little like a spa retreat.  Nurses and Doc’s were excellent.  The food was 100 times better than the wood pulp served at the gawd almighty Cleveland Clinic.

Some months ago I started taking a med for high BP, got edema in my feet/ankles and repeatedly complained to family Doc as the edema grew worse and spread.  He blew me off repeatedly.  Try a little congestive heart failure mixed in.  I swear I despise 95% of the medical profession.  One good thing is I finally found an excellent internal medicine specialist.  Thank God.

So now the usual low sodium diet advice plus a pile of pills to take.  I have a salt tooth not a sweet tooth.  Crap –  limited pickles, olives, pickled turnips, kim chee, sauerkraut, etc.  The herd of Doc’s assure me I am not at the stage of giving away my worldly goods or listing where I want the ashes scattered. 

A side note – I would like some of ashes placed in cat litter boxes so my remains can be useful.  I wonder if the ashes will clump like litter?


We don’t have to pray for an enhanced sense of humor – bfh

54 Comments on Prayers

  1. Damn! I have the same edema issue and my GP has been blowing it off as well. I suspected sodium reduced diet needed as well. Meanwhile I’m wearing athletic pressure socks so that I can wear shoes.

  2. Dearest Eugenia,
    As a fellow knitter, you can use your hobby to relax and take your mind somewhat off doctors. I’m sick of them too and have similar leg issues.

    I will be praying for healing and full recovery for you, and peace in your heart. Get well – we need you here.

  3. Eugenia,
    Keep up the Good Fight. Prayers are with you. If Docs won’t listen, keep a straight face and tell them you’ll whip on them with a wet spaghetti until they do.

  4. Eugenia, I was having blood pressure way up and I did cut out much salt, elevated feet somewhat at night and not to say it works but for me it seems to be this–eliminating all caffeine. I felt quite sick a day or so when cutting out completely and when I did I could not believe the strength of caffeine. I am totally into all herbal teas now. Don’t know if any of this will help but God Bless and keep up your spirits. Oh also some regular exercise/movement. There’s those pedaling things you can do from a chair if you can’t walk far. Luv to you!

  5. Best to ya Eugenia. A speedy recovery.

    And yeah, a lot of doctors suck. While not an MD, I had a dentist once that I had to get physical with. He was working on a bad cavity. As per the procedure, he shot me up with novocaine and let it do its thing. He came back and started drilling, and I wasn’t completely numb. I protested and requested some more. He refused and continued to drill. So as he stood over me, I grabbed him by the balls and twisted and pulled and asked if I had his attention. He acknowledged. I told him it was either another shot or he could see what his balls looked like up close and personal. I got the shot, the dental work and was told to find another dentist. Sometimes you gotta do what ya gotta do.

    Again, best to ya and a speedy recovery.

  6. BTW my dr. did not say cut out caffeine, I did it because of a UTI but it had another good effect! It’s like with dentists, you can rinse mouth with a way diluted hydrogen peroxide for rinse that should stop gum disease somewhat or completely. My late mom was told once to have all her remaining front teeth pulled and she got second opinion and that was to do the HP rinses which she started and she never lost another tooth. The dentists are not prescribing this but I’ve noticed our new HP bottle says on front now “dental debriding agent” In case someone else doesn’t know.

  7. Praying for you for daily improvement, Eugenia, now that you have a better doctor and some good advice to follow. And you have the prayers of the whole iOTWr community.

    Maybe you can pace yourself with the salty stuff? As a very occasional treat? Maybe it can be something to look forward to, instead of something to mourn permanently…

  8. My 89 yr old dad lives in senior apts and everybody in there hates their BP medicine, and a lot of them quit taking them. My dad is pretty sure that he got lichen planus from his BP meds, not to mention it took a year and multiple specialists before they even diagnosed that. I’ve always felt that the sawbones are more interested in return business than in getting you healthier.

  9. Dear Eugenia, you are already blessed to have found an actual healer midst the white-coated imposters that dominate the medical profession now, as you yourself have noted, and that is no small thing in these dark and broken times.

    Take it as a sign that God is providing for you still, and must yet have more for you to do, for only the Lord could have found the wheat in that chaff for you.

    Dear Lord, touch our sister whose true name is known to You in her need. Continue to provide her with healers that are truly gifted by You, overseen by the Ultimate Physician, that through them You will strengthen her heart, keep her eyes from dimming, give her sure knowledge of Your guiding hand in this and all things that she may live to accomplish all You would have her do, give her a praise that she may celebrate Your name and have the Blessed Assurance of a safe return to Your side when at last, years from now, You call her to lay down her trophies and join You at the last.

    We thank You Lord for the healing You have brought thus far, and for that which You are even now speeeding on the way, in the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

    God Bless,

  10. Not to steal your thunder, Eugenia, but I suspect you’d not begrudge me a praise report on my wife, the one you and many others prayed over a scant 4 months ago. As she continues healing from her breast cancer surgery she also went back to her liver doc for an ongoing issue with some havoc certain meds had previously wrought there. Not long ago they were talking liver transplant, but yesterday they said it actually appears to be healing, confounding their expectations.

    But we know why, don’t we.

    God is good. Thank you Lord. All praise for all healing belongs to You, and is to Your glory.

    God Bless,

  11. Since my wife and dad’s ashes are easily accessible, I scooped a sample of each to try the litter clumpability test, but I don’t have a cat, so I used my own and my little dog’s urine (don’t ask how I got his sample). The resulting mushroom cloud and peeling paint was very impressive, but, overall I don’t recommend ashes as litter.

    Get better, Eugenia! We love ya!

  12. JB_Honeydew
    JULY 16, 2022 AT 9:22 PM

    “And yeah, a lot of doctors suck. While not an MD, I had a dentist once that I had to get physical with. He was working on a bad cavity. As per the procedure, he shot me up with novocaine and let it do its thing. He came back and started drilling, and I wasn’t completely numb.”.

    …so. it went something like THIS?

  13. The modern hospital’s doctor’s job is to get the bed empty for a new victim, and hopefully something on the Certificate of Death that produces a premium from the Federal Government.

    Your GP may not be much better.

  14. It’s a tough task to “eat your labs” but cutting out the bad stuff does help A LOT! Here a prayer for healing and for Strength-to do whatchagotta do-so you’ll feel better soon. 💐💕

  15. Thanks all of you from the heart. Thanks for the prayers, good thoughts, suggestions, stories, ideas and love. The support means a lot.

    The surgery I had March 2021 was brutal and many really oddball health issues have started since then. Maybe the Cleveland Clinic implanted something cursed to keep me a perpetual patient. They love my Cadillac insurance yet treat patients like something on the spoiled meat rack.
    This time I wised up and went to a different facility.

    Trivia – crawfish and horse radish have low sodium. Who knew? What about gas station sushi?

    About the cat litter – my husband thinks I have gone ’round the bend yet I am serious. I get a nice warm fuzzy feeling when I think about it. The director at the cat shelter has been informed they are receiving all my worldly goods when the end comes. I am making sure to keep a special drawer with holey underwear and other disreputable items.

    JB_Honeydew – love your story

    SNS – This is great news about your wife. Prayers for her continued healing.

  16. God bless you Egenia. In Jesus’ name may God heal you.

    SNS, you’re prayers are so eloquent they bring a tear of thankfulness to my eyes. Thanks for the praise report about your wife.

  17. Sunday morning, 7/17 7 AM

    Eugenia-I’m getting ready to go to mass now, I will enter your name in our book of special remembrances. I don’t know how many Catholic churches have them but we’ve had hours for years. Father will even mention the book and all its contents(names that are entered) during the celebration of holy mass. And today your name will be included
    hopefully you didn’t fall for this Covid 19 injection. What a crock of crap that is,, anyone taking it has got problems.

  18. When my doc told me to cut out the salt, I said I would just have to increase my alcohol intake. He recanted some and told my to try limiting the salt.
    Best to ya, keep on reading and posting here.

  19. Prayers for you, dear Eugenia! And for your doctors (fire your family doc!!!) to have wisdom and your care as their main concern (and not their egos). God bless you!

  20. Dear Eugenia,

    Please accept my prayers. I hope that they may comfort you and bring you improved health.

    I was blessed with a good team of doctors and a hospital with a reputation for good cardiac care. I was there for three days and have some follow-ups coming and perhaps a(nother) procedure. As I lay in the hospital, I could not help but think that if I had that kind of attention a few years ago, I would not have had that issue now.

    My funny story from my stay: I was wearing a remote heart monitor. I tend to sleep on my stomach. I guess by my third night the battery on the monitor was getting a bit weak. When I was on my stomach, and covering the device, it appeared that I had flat lined to the people at the nurse desk. I had just fallen asleep and the nurse and the resident came barging through the door in a panic. The resident was ready ro do chest compressions on me. Just to be safe, they had an ECG done. The guy who did that was almost as crusty as I am. When I told him what happened, he said “residents.”

    On an added note, I pray that it will be years before we are able to do your experiment with the kitty litter.

  21. RadioMattM glad to hear you are mending and not flat lining.

    Re: the clot shot – no I refuse it. The ER was concerned I had a blood clot. The ER doc flat out told if I had taken the clot shot their biggest concern would have been a clot in my lungs. The woman was honest, at least when no one else was in the room

  22. I told the aid workers who came to pick me up that if you pointed a gun at me and said I would either get the jab or be shot, I would tell them to shoot me.

    Wednesday morning, about an hour before I got zapped, the nurse came in and told me that I needed to have a COVID test. I was pissed. It did, though, come up negative.

  23. I will try.

    I’m in a hateful angry place right now so my prayers will probably be all covered in tar….. but I’ll try.

  24. Jeremiah 30
    17 But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds,’ declares the Lord, ‘because you are called an outcast, Zion for whom no one cares.’

    May the grace of our Lord be with you, guiding you to a speedy recovery.
    God bless.

  25. Eugenia, adding my prayer for your health to improve dramatically. God honors those who are faithful, with expectation of answered prayers. Many of us iOTWrers know that to be true. Be blessed as you wait on and trust God.

  26. Prayer sent for “a really bad guy who fights for good…..occasionally” who may be caught up in “feels” when just knowing God’s got your back is enough.


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