Soros Open Society Foundation Employee Brags About Having Sex with Multiple Men at Pride Event – IOTW Report

Soros Open Society Foundation Employee Brags About Having Sex with Multiple Men at Pride Event

– Then Blames Government After Catching Monkeypox and Gonorrhea.

Gateway Pundit: Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

A public health expert and director of George Soros’ Open Society Foundation told  The Guardian how he had sex with several men during NYC Pride festivities. Then he blamed the government after contracting both monkeypox and gonorrhea.

According to a post from Andy Ngo, Sebastian Köhn is one of the directors at George Soros’ Open Society Foundation.  He is the current Division Director, Signature Initiatives at Soros’ Open Society Foundation.

Sebastian outright admitted that he was aware that “monkeypox was an emerging issue, especially for gay men.” And yet, he had sex with multiple men anyway because he believed that the number of cases in the city was not very high. more h/t joe6pak.

21 Comments on Soros Open Society Foundation Employee Brags About Having Sex with Multiple Men at Pride Event

  1. We are threatened with mask mandates and more shots because people like him can’t put their dicks away.

    BTW, if you’re “bisexual”, that means you’re gay.
    Stop bullshitting yourselves.

    Also, separate yourselves from the drag queens, the furries and the pedos or you will forever have to wear that crown.

  2. Is this from The Bee? This guy can’t be serious, right?

    I’m laughing and shaking my head at the same time. He used his Garbage Disposal as a Playhouse, and somehow, it’s The Governments fault.

    But thanks for the chuckle.

  3. “And yet, he had sex with multiple men anyway because he believed that the number of cases in the city was not very high. “

    Well, it wasn’t very high until he came along.

    There is NOTHING that will keep homosexuals from their appointed rounds.

  4. GOD is probably thinking it’s about time for another Extinction Level Event…wipe the slate clean with a planet killing asteroid. And we won’t even have Morgan Freeman in the White House to save us.

  5. Typical filthy faggots… too much power and a refusal to accept personal responsibility for the consequences of their actions. It’s always everyone else who has to pay for their filthy faggot lifestyles which they view as a “human right” and have zero in.

  6. FTA: “My anorectal lesions, which were already very painful, turned into open wounds”.

    Is he seriously blaming monkey pox? C’mon now, anorectal lesions are a result of anal sex. It’s a feature not a bug.

  7. @TheMule July 25, 2022 at 2:35 pm

    > Filthy filthy faggots… And they seem to run everything now.

    Because Conservative(TM) Judeo-Christians(TM) pay Conservative(TM) Judeo-Christians(TM) (and pædotrannies) to violently subjugate all who oppose such faggotry.

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