Tucker Carlson- Trump or DeSantis? His Answer Seems to Indicate a Preference – IOTW Report

Tucker Carlson- Trump or DeSantis? His Answer Seems to Indicate a Preference

16 Comments on Tucker Carlson- Trump or DeSantis? His Answer Seems to Indicate a Preference

  1. I haven’t done a ton of research into DeSantis, but I am very wary of anyone who has been a card-carrying member of the Republican Party. It means they have won the favor of the Party.

    Many were blind-sided, for example, by the Supreme Court nominees, thinking that because they were POTUS Trump’s choices, that they would be fine choices. If one looked closer, however, one would see that they all came from within the ranks of the Federalist Society. And although the Federalist Society had its earliest influence from the originalist principles of Antonin Scalia and similar legal scholars, in the ensuing years it became as club-y and politically motivated as any so-called conservative think tank. As with most any group of influencers, it was also subverted from within to a certain degree. Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s views were readily available on YT, and some of her personal opinions about significant social issues raised doubts of her conservative bona fides, yet she was a short-lister of candidates provided to POTUS Trump. Granted, Coney Barrett is unmistakably conservative compared to the general lawyer population, but I think we could have had better.

    So it is with DeSantis, in my opinion. I know who Trump is and I know how hard he fought on my behalf. I know he’s not compromised in any way, shape or form by the Republican Party.

  2. Anonymous — It could be that Trump knows McCarthy, warts and all, and how to negotiate with him. He didn’t know Paul Ryan except that Ryan was all-in with the Party that tried to defeat Trump. Similarly, if the House ends up with another died-in-the-wool Republican Speaker who owes fealty to The Party, it would be another Ryan scenario for Trump.

    Something to consider.

  3. I know many who do not trust DeSantis at all. He is Chris Christie-Semi-Lite.

    It’s hard to know what to do anymore. There is no “perfect” candidate… unless I run. lol. (Well, that would be perfect for me.)

  4. I don’t think it’s that hard to know what to do. You vote for the person that’s going to do us the most amount of good. If in 2024 it’s DeSantis vs Newsom it would be asinine not to vote for DeSantis.
    Tucker gave the exact same spiel, verbatim, on Tulsi Gabbards pod cast a couple weeks ago. Right down to the cringe worthy sound effects.

  5. BFH
    Kind of a Big Find looking for the right thread.
    Check this out
    Just made a Voice Match
    No Kidding
    A Shiney Headed msNBC fag with closet nazi dreams
    and a loser fired or retired FBI behind-the-scenes at twitter baker type

    No Kidding. Exact Match in vocals speech patterns, dialects, slang terms and everything.

    Weird Stuffs showing through at msNBC

    Stay Tooned

  6. “I know many who do not trust DeSantis at all. He is Chris Christie-Semi-Lite.

    It’s hard to know what to do anymore. There is no “perfect” candidate… unless I run. lol. (Well, that would be perfect for me.)”

    My eldest Manderin would be more than happy to be your political hatchet man. 🙂

  7. …Many were deeply impressed by Mike Pence. Though he’s not comparable to DeSantis in many ways, look what a stinker he turned out to be. Who would have thought?

    I’m with you, Fur, it is hard to navigate in these waters. Especially if pols are determined to fool us.

  8. Trump won more votes than ANY sitting U.S. President.
    We know what he tried to do.
    We know what he accomplished.
    A second chance and he’ll be more effective than ever.
    He will truly drain the swamp and that’s what they fear most.
    Why do you think the media/lib/Dem/RINOs are fighting him so hard?

  9. Really doesn’t matter who the R’s run if they don’t change the fraud in the voting and courts, it’s all just theater. 2022 and 2220 as evidence. I’m not saying I wouldn’t vote don’t get me wrong, not going to give up.

  10. Fur, I respectfully disagree on Tucker signaling a preference for DeSantis….seems to me, it’s a toss-up for him. My preference is for Trump – especially as he should get vindication for the 2020 election fraud. However, I like DeSantis a LOT. He might be a “politician” but he appears to be one who sticks to what he says. Any way, dat’s my 2 cents! 🙂


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