NY Times Staff Discussing Style Sheets and Their Woke Vocabulary – IOTW Report

NY Times Staff Discussing Style Sheets and Their Woke Vocabulary

Look at this statement and tell me where it went off the rails.

You can read the entire thread HERE

9 Comments on NY Times Staff Discussing Style Sheets and Their Woke Vocabulary

  1. It went off the rails the minute the guy mentioned anything other that “woman” as being valid.

    God created Man and Woman. Transgender never entered into the equation because that would be an abomination.

  2. “Orcs were first created from Elves under torture and dark sorcery. Their creation served as an insult …”

    “Transgenders were first created from Humans under torture and dark sorcery. Their creation served as an insult …”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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