California Congressman Chooses Superman Over The Bible for His Swearing In Ceremony – IOTW Report

California Congressman Chooses Superman Over The Bible for His Swearing In Ceremony


Incoming California Democrat Congressman Robert Garcia (D-CA) said he would “proudly” be sworn into Congress on the U.S. Constitution and a copy of a rare “Superman” comic book, among other personal items.

Garcia, a former mayor of Long Beach, California, will be sworn into the 118th Congress after the body of government picks a Speaker of the House. The incoming congressman stated he would also have a picture of his late parent and his citizenship certificate when he is sworn in. Godless

20 Comments on California Congressman Chooses Superman Over The Bible for His Swearing In Ceremony

  1. When did this start? I saw that the new AG in Hennepin County, MN (Minneapolis) was sworn in on a book that John Lewis wrote. These people must not have been happy with the Bible. I bet they wouldn’t use a copy of the Constitution, either.

  2. Given a choice, I actually prefer an avowed atheist like this guy, to the phony “Christians” like Nancy and Joey, who constantly tell us how deeply religious they are.

    But he’s still an asshole.

  3. He does realize that old Superman comics had Superman relying on truth, justice and the American way, doesn’t he? These are all qualities Democrats despise, and I believe DC scrapped this motto fairly recently.

  4. Wyatt, Insensitive Progressive Jerk
    JANUARY 5, 2023 AT 5:34 PM
    “He does realize that old Superman comics had Superman relying on truth, justice and the American way, doesn’t he? These are all qualities Democrats despise, and I believe DC scrapped this motto fairly recently.”

    …both DC the comic company and DC City Of Illegitimate Communist Apparatchiks have scrapped that motto at this point.

  5. Slower than a toy locomotive and dumb as a box of rocks, unable to tie his own shoes or ride a bike without training wheels, look under a rock, it’s a turd, he’s come to complain, he’s Super-Duper Dipshit man, strange visitor from a queer planet (ruled by the evil George Soreass, disguised as Fearless Leader) with ungodly evil powers who has set out to destroy truth, justice and the American way. Disguised as a evil-mannered congress critter he works to subterfuge everything by pretending that he’s Super-Duper Dipshit man.

  6. I had a chance when I lived in Portland in 1972 to buy a copy of Superman #2 from 1940 from Powell’s bookstore. I offered them $75, someone else got it for $80. And as a consolation I could’ve and should’ve bought Batman #3 for $50, the first appearance of the Joker, I foolishly turned it down and wish I hadn’t because Batman #3 is worth at least #250,000 dollars or more now. I used to have a quite a comic book collection of older DC and Marvels from the 1960’s including a large run of Spiderman comics from Spiderman #3 on, Avenger’s, Fantastic 4, Captain America etc. of which a friend of mine in Junior High gave to me. I had probably had over 1,000 comic books and was a major league nerd, I sold them all in 1990 to finance the purchase of my current house, an old Craftsman style house for $40,000 which I still live in to this day. I don’t regret selling them, but I did keep all my old Mad Magazines from the second issue of Mad #25 in 1955 until the early 70’s and a Popeye Big Little Book from the 1930’s. I also have a large collection of old sci fi books, EE Doc Smith, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Clifford d Simak, Robert A Heinlein etc. and I stole a lot of them out of my uncle’s basement whenever I got a chance and still have a lot of those old classic sci fi books, so I guess that I’m still a nerd.

  7. “No Bible!?” Reeeeee!
    “Sacred comic book!?” Reeeeee!
    “The horror…”

    Now, now. Just calm down. He’s also packing,
    “[H]is citizenship certificate.”

    See? Overlorded by foreigners. It’s the Truth(TM) of Who We Are(TM). It’s The American Way(TM).

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