The Battle Over the Weaponization of Government Has Begun – IOTW Report

The Battle Over the Weaponization of Government Has Begun


As previously noted, the 118th Congress is expected to authorize a “Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.”   The subcommittee will fall under the jurisdiction of the House Judiciary Committee led by Chairman Jim Jordan.   Additionally, Thomas Massie (R-KY) is being reported as a representative under consideration for the chairmanship the House subcommittee.

House Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan and potential House subcommittee Chair Thomas Massie should have a grasp of the scale and scope of the opposition they are about to face.  Assuming they have a fully prepared staff to support them – willing to take on a very consequential investigation; then we begin by first anticipating who will oppose their effort to investigate the “weaponization of government“.   Which is to say everyone! Investigate

7 Comments on The Battle Over the Weaponization of Government Has Begun

  1. Jordan is investigating the very people that would need to enforce his orders. Not going to happen. There is no enforcement body on our side. His only choice is to starve the beast. Cut all funding to DOJ, FBI, CIA, and the Boy Scouts of America. Oh, and the ATF and IRS.


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