Intel Expert Admits to Deception in Signing Hunter Laptop Letter – IOTW Report

Intel Expert Admits to Deception in Signing Hunter Laptop Letter


Now, one former top intelligence official admits that he knew the contents of the Hunter Biden laptop were authentic but signed the letter by current and former spooks, all Democratic Party allies, who said this was a Russian spy game (via NY Post) Confession

12 Comments on Intel Expert Admits to Deception in Signing Hunter Laptop Letter

  1. DIA Deputy Director/ Biden’s laptop as Russian disinformation has now admitted he knew a “significant portion” of the recovered files “had to be real” – but doesn’t regret dismissing the exposé. Despicable,deceit and deception.
    A Farewell Address to the Nation ~ George Washington
    The ‘Worst Enemy’ of Government: Loyalty to Party Over Nation
    According to Washington, one of the chief dangers of letting regional loyalties dominate loyalty to the nation as a whole was that it would lead to factionalism, or the development of competing political parties. When Americans voted according to party loyalty, rather than the common interest of the nation, Washington feared it would foster a “spirit of revenge,” and enable the rise of “cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men” who would “usurp for themselves the reins of government; destroying afterwards the very engines, which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”

    Legacy of Washington’s Farewell Address
    Washington’s farewell address was rooted in the specific challenges he saw facing the United States at the time, including increasing internal divisions and the ongoing external threat of invasion by stronger nations. But his eloquent message of unity and his warnings against regionalism, partisanship and foreign influence ensured the address would become one of the most widely reprinted documents in American history, with powerful implications that continue to resonate today.


  2. Spooks are amoral by nature.
    One must be an amoral maggot to go into that line of work, which is based on deceit.
    Being an amoral maggot in defense of your country is one thing, but being an amoral maggot in defense of criminals is another. I’m sure that distinction would be lost on the amoral maggots who perceive their amoral maggotry as a strength, not a character flaw; but by defending Traitors, criminals, and corrupt politicians (though I repeat myself) they are actually assisting in the destruction of the country they purport to defend and “serve.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Speaking of amoral maggots . . .
    Alec Baldwin Drama Queens
    msNBC Drama Queens hold Court
    They have decided Alec Baldwin is Not Guilty
    Because Guns Are Bad
    And Gun Safety is for the little peoples
    Alec Baldwin is a 30 Evil Rock Producer
    He gets White Mans Passes
    Under 30 Evil SNL Rockstar Hollywood Contracts

    Hollywood White Man Court.
    Will Smith ALWAYS checks his weapon first.
    Double Barrels.

  4. admitted he knew a “significant portion” of the recovered files “had to be real” – but doesn’t regret dismissing the exposé

    Perhaps if he were in jail (or worse) he would regret it…Hey, I can dream


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