The Fact That the Left Validates This Psychosis Makes Them Psychotic – IOTW Report

The Fact That the Left Validates This Psychosis Makes Them Psychotic

This mess contradicts HIMSELF in HIS own rant.

It’s a “menstrual cycle,” but they only thing he doesn’t experience is the menstrual part.

I’m a world-class golfer. The only thing I don’t experience is the world-class part.

21 Comments on The Fact That the Left Validates This Psychosis Makes Them Psychotic

  1. either he/she/it suffers from some psychosomatic issues every month when he/she/it thinks it’s time for a period, or there is some real medical issue that needs to be addressed.

  2. He’s so demonic, I was expecting him to spew pea soup all over his phone. He’s also out of his freaking mind. He has absolutely no anatomy that would support a menstrual cycle…NONE.

    BTW, it’s extremely rare for normal women not to have periods, but the deference is real women are equipped to do so, even if there’s a malfunction. What a sick bastard – God help him. Wow!

  3. Is there such a thing as a trans who isn’t angry? If this freak has no bleeding then why would there be any pain and bloating and fatigue? These freaks are caricatures of women with thug souls of angry men. And that nose ring really makes you attractive, honey.


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