After origins of Biden laptop letter exposed, lawmakers seek penalties – IOTW Report

After origins of Biden laptop letter exposed, lawmakers seek penalties


Congress now has compelling evidence that a letter from 51 security experts during the 2020 election falsely portraying the Hunter Biden laptop as a Russian influence operation was in fact Joe Biden campaign propaganda. Now armed with the truth, GOP lawmakers are looking to impose consequences for the organizers and the signatories.

Several House and Senate Republicans told Just the News they are looking to impose penalties ranging from possible impeachment of Secretary of State Antony Blinken, whom former CIA Director Mike Morell testified “triggered” the effort, to defunding federal contracts and security clearance for the security and intelligence officials who signed their name to the letter.

“Exposing the truth is certainly the first step in accountability, pretty powerful accountability,” Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.), the top Republican on the powerful Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, said Monday on the “Just the News, No Noise” television show. “But the House can impeach those individuals who are currently serving in government. And a number of those individuals … are now serving in the Biden administration. They also ought to either resign or be impeached.

“And then we should do everything we can to revoke security clearances of every one of those individuals that sign that letter. All of them should be barred from either current or future employment with the federal government.”

The issue burst into view two weeks ago when Just the News reported that Morell, in a transcribed interview with House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan, revealed that a call from Blinken, then a Biden campaign adviser, “triggered” his effort to draft the letter and get fellow former CIA directors and other intelligence professionals to sign it.


18 Comments on After origins of Biden laptop letter exposed, lawmakers seek penalties

  1. Tell me when actual punishment lands, keep in mind you’ll have to stand close to my grave when you tell me so I can hear you down in the ground. And speak loudly.

  2. I will believe it when I see it.
    All this bluster and frothing at the mouth will end in polite handshakes and some low-level staffer getting thrown under the bus. The real architects of this scheme will go along their merry way, cashing the checks and laughing all the way!

  3. Nice fantasy there guys, but we OWN the courts and all the key offices, and enforce stuff or don’t at will, and steal whatever elections we need to keep you impotent just like your own leadership likes you to be.



    Merrick will get to you all eventually. You’ll see who gets “penalties”.

    We don’t forgive and we don’t forget.

    You will ALL be punished.

  4. Since they are responsible for Biden being in the White house, they should be billed for the damage to the America people. Modestly, $10 trillion divided by 51 would be around $196 billion each.

  5. “But we didn’t SAY it was Russian disinformation, we just said it had the hallmarks of being Russian disinformation.”

    Yes, they are actually saying that.

  6. A little money will change hands….
    in the uni-party….and presto chango….
    It’ll all go away.

    “…. It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it….”
    — — George Carlin

  7. 2016 a guy creates a joke Hillary meme to have her supporters text their vote for Hillary. He was convicted.
    50 influential politicians, military brass, CIA/NSA officials sign a letter affirming that Hunter’s laptop is Russian disinformation campaign, at the behest of the Biden Campaign. Nothing will happen.
    Which one of these events had more influence on the votes and swayed more votes?

  8. The Dems have been doing this sort of thing since at least Clinton’s campaign against Bush, with the famous manipulation of Dept. of Labor Statistics economic report that showed a lingering recession where there was none, which was corrected soon after the election. It cost Bush the election, yet there were no repercussions for the deep state perps — not even a browbeating or a strongly worded letter .


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