Even With Subsidies, Sales of Electric Cars Fizzle Out – IOTW Report

Even With Subsidies, Sales of Electric Cars Fizzle Out


Despite strong sales, dealership EV inventories are growing, according to data from Cox Automotive (via Automotive News).

EVs are approaching 7% of the U.S. new car market, and they’re on track to surpass sales of one million units in the U.S. for the first time this year, Cox Automotive estimates. But the data also show that EVs aren’t flying off dealer lots.

Through the end of the second quarter, EV inventory in the U.S. is expected to surpass 90,000 units for the first time. For context, last year, when the EV supply was much tighter, the national inventory was around 21,000 units. As Cox Automotive notes, EV sales have increased, but not as quickly as the supply of vehicles.

Several factors are still holding back greater EV sales growth. In a June survey of dealers and consumers, Cox also found that dealers still aren’t as ready for the electric future as consumers are. And while consumers may be more enthusiastic than dealers, EV interest is far from universal. More

Government subsidies include federal tax credits and state specific rebates and tax reductions.

18 Comments on Even With Subsidies, Sales of Electric Cars Fizzle Out

  1. These articles are such a lie. EV sales are only down if you don’t count tesla which is going from 1 million cars this year to 2 million as opposed to the ridiculously low numbers of Ford, GM and VW. Rivian doesn’t even count.

    Disclosure I own Tesla stock. Best stock I have ever seen IMO

  2. I will not drive an EV because I am tired of being pushed around by Environazis. I am tired of their lies and BS predictions. No sane, normal person is an environmentalist. It’s just another cult based on nothing.

  3. I’m in a market for a US generated, coal fired Vehicle.
    Looking a way to prevent thousands of African Children dying from cobalt poisoning, as well as, thousands of the 1 million Uyghurs and other Muslim minorities detained and forced to work producing various goods, including polysilicon in China.

    Coal fired cars have less of an environmental impact upon on our future and stop forced child labor and slaves digging sought after minerals to produce car batteries.

    Use American Coal and put 10s of thousands of US Union coal miners back to work.
    You know, it’s for the children and Union Families.

    Oh wait, we already use coal in the power plans to process the needed minerals, build electric cars and to recharge the batteries.
    Never mind about child labor and slavery, it’s acceptable for the green new deal.

  4. I saw a statement today that shows a 250 ton windmill takes 320 tons of ore to make. Ore mined by diesel guzzling machines. Those windmills will never pay for themselves and neither will an electric car.

  5. It’s all a hoax.
    The whole fucking world is a hoax.
    Globaloney Warming.
    Acid Rain.
    Ozone Hole.
    The Armed Forces a pervert parade.
    Ukraine Money Laundromat.
    Ukraine war.
    France in turmoil.
    Reparations for people who were NEVER slaves from people who NEVER OWNED SLAVES.
    Department of “Justice” (what a fucking joke).
    FBI’s the country’s premier “Law Enforcement Agency!” (another fucking joke).
    The “Sparkle” Creed.
    “Churches” embracing perversion, pedophilia, and spiritual death.
    Government causing inflation and then pretending to want to do something to reduce inflation.
    Supply chain issues.
    The Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joe in the White House.
    Racist BLM and ANTIFA.
    The “Free” Press.
    &c., &c., &c.

    When is enough, enough?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. According to the NTSB and data from the International Energy Agency (IEA), there are estimated to be 4125 electric cars catching fire each year. Virtually all of these are nasty ass fires that can’t be put out until the car has melted down to the ground. Until that happens they are pouring out massive amounts of pollution that far exceeds than the pollution they are suppossed to be curbing over conventional cars!

  7. 40% minimum more than a 4 cyl. Honda/Toyota just so you can spend all your time figuring out the logistics of charging as you pretend that the shir box suits your lifestyle.

  8. Electric-powered vehicles have the least risk of catching fire according to data from NTSB.
    Hybrid-powered vehicles are at the highest risk of catching fire.
    An estimated 215,000 vehicles will catch fire in 2020.
    Battery-electric vehicles are only 0.03% likely to ignite, compared to 1.5% for gas-powered vehicles and 3.4% for hybrid vehicles.
    Fully electric vehicles had the fewest fires per 100,000 vehicles: 25, while hybrid vehicles had the most: 3,475.

    You people need to remove your right wing hats and put on you security investment hats on for a second. You tube has a number of channels that specialize in TESLA as an investment. Randy Kirk; Brighter with Herbert; The Tesla Space; My Tesal Weekend.

  9. I find it interesting that no one questioned trf for his source, most likely CNN but when I lost several credible YouTube channels that dive deeply into facts and sources idiots here ask for a source from me in spite of my reference to 2020 NTSB data


  10. Wife bought a Tesla Model Y Performance model. She uses it to visit the kids and grandkids. Its the fastest car I’ve ever owned including my 04 Porsche Turbo 911. I love it. Fun to drive, flashy Red exterior with a stark White interior. Looks cool drives great. We’re not stupid enough to take it on a cross country jaunt so it fits our needs very well. With gas above $5/gal in WA it has been a sensible purchase.


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