Body Shaming is Cool Again According to the Inconsistent Moronic Left – IOTW Report

Body Shaming is Cool Again According to the Inconsistent Moronic Left

16 Comments on Body Shaming is Cool Again According to the Inconsistent Moronic Left

  1. My dog looks pretty good, but my dog would make a terrible President of the United States. But o.k., Trump is packing a few extra pounds around the middle; not unusual for a guy in his 70s. But he is incredibly active, is able to speak coherently on a regular basis to thousands of people, knows where he is, and – whether or not people like it – is in charge of his campaign and agenda.

    Biden can’t speak. He will whisper parts of his speeches, and yell other parts. He tends to mangle his words. He wanders on stage at times, and has to be helped on and off. Biden is generally forbidden to speak to the press, and his handlers have no problem cutting off his microphone and hustling him out of there. His son, who at times lives in the White House, is a crack head. The Bidens are, at a minimum, tainted by corruption scandals but people like King not only don’t talk about it – they cover it up. Gasoline is double what it was when Biden took office. Bidenomics is turning out to be a pork-barrel disaster, and inflation in the energy and food sectors is rampant. Our foreign policy is a joke, and other foreign leaders treat our President like a joke. Biden acts like he has dementia, and for those of us who have had aging parents we see what we see (although the MSM apparently doesn’t).

    But yeah, Steven King, go ahead and make a big deal out of something that isn’t important at all. Your guy isn’t in charge, but no one knows who is. Democrat policies are failing, Democrat controlled cities are a mess, we are trillions of dollars in debt, and corruption is rampant. What an asshole.


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