Denver Gay Bar Forced to Close for Worst Degeneracy – IOTW Report

Denver Gay Bar Forced to Close for Worst Degeneracy

The Federalist

A popular gay bar in downtown Denver permanently closed its doors this week after city officials failed to address homeless encampments disrupting business.

On Thursday, one of the city’s first gay establishments, Triangle Denver, sent a farewell email out to customers explaining doors will open one last time this Sunday before going under for good. More

19 Comments on Denver Gay Bar Forced to Close for Worst Degeneracy

  1. “We can’t ask our guests or staff to continue to endure this health and safety nightmare”
    Seems like a contradiction coming from an operator of a fag bar.

    (Coors?? Denver?? Ya reckon?)

  2. Well… they’re eating their own in this one case. They could stand a lot more of that. Government could use that tactic, directing the location of the feral’s camps to crush businesses or even neighborhoods.

  3. Guess the fags will have to swill muscatel with the hobos.
    Hard to believe that filthy degenerates would be repulsed by filthy degeneracy.
    Musta been one of them “prissy” fag bars – like where Frank Biden, Paul Pelosi, and Barry Obola would hang out.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Mentally unstable individuals, rampant and openly observable methamphetamine and heroin use, human waste on sidewalks, and verbal and physical violence is common,” Coors added.

    isn’t that what goes on inside a gay bar


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