mRNA Shots and Cancer – IOTW Report

mRNA Shots and Cancer


mRNA COVID vaccines, previously not used outside of small laboratory animal studies, were given to billions of people after perfunctory and rushed clinical trials. As scientists learned in 2022, mRNA vaccines cause a ‘class switch’ to IgG4 antibodies. Another study found that this specific antibody subclass is associated with more aggressive cancer growth and causes hyperprogressive cancer disease in mice and humans.

These IgG4 antibodies are usually created in response to persistent irritants such as worms. Unfortunately, repeat injections of mRNA Covid vaccine are perceived by our immune systems as a “persistent irritant” and cause the IgG4 antibody switch.

The “persistent irritation” effect possibly occurs not only because of repeat injections but also due to mRNA gene expression never stopping in half of the vaccinated people.

Are these IgG4 antibodies harmless? Do they have any effects outside of our immune reactions to COVID-19? Is there something to worry about?

Unfortunately, a 2020 study published in the British Medical Journal’s Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer suggests that having more IgG4 antibodies — of ANY kind – enhances cancer progression. The study by Wang et al. was done two years before the discovery of mRNA vaccine-related class switch to IgG4 antibodies.


12 Comments on mRNA Shots and Cancer

  1. Tragically, a friend and his wife are hard core believers in vaccinations. They let everyone know they were first to get shots and boosters. For no reason he came down with cancer. They told him 6-24 months. Didn’t work out that way.

  2. Our dear, dear friend Gerard Van Der Luen went down fast from metastatic lung cancer that was finally detected as cancer in his brain. We begged him not to get the first two shots and we don’t know if he got boosters after that. To this day we have NO idea why he decided to get the shots. He posed no threat to aging or vulnerable relatives; his mom had already passed on by then.

  3. No friends so far with unexpected cancers but two have developed unexpected colon and bladder and/or kidney issues. Ongoing tests. One test ruled out cancer but found something that may require surgery. My other friend is just starting with more in-depth tests since “infection” has been ruled out.

    Both, very liberal, and both have had 5 shots. *sigh*

  4. In August, my brother was taken out after a bout with a never identified turbo cancer. Started having problems immediately after getting a booster in April ‘22. Pain in his arm spread to his back and ribs. Doctor diddled around and ran every test they could charge him for. I begged him to demand a PET scan but he was always of the opinion that doctors knew what they were doing so he went along with everything they recommended. By the time they scheduled the PET scan in October ’22 they discovered his spine and ribs looked like swiss cheese because of “innumerous legions of unknown origin”. They recommended chemo treatment which, other than zapping what little strength he had left, and watched as the unknown cancer spread to his liver pancreas kidneys and finally lungs. Every person involved with the development and administration of the “vaccine” should be sentenced to a slow and painful death.


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