Fulton County Double Scan – IOTW Report

Fulton County Double Scan

The Western Journal

The Georgia Election Board voted Tuesday to reprimand Fulton County for its conduct of the 2020 election and direct the appointment of an independent monitor to oversee this fall’s general election.

The Georgia Recorder reported that the 2-1 vote came after investigators from the Georgia secretary of state’s office confirmed the county double-scanned 3,075 ballots during a statewide recount of the 2020 presidential election. More

13 Comments on Fulton County Double Scan

  1. Are they going to say anything about covering up the polling place windows after making false alarms to chase the Republican poll watchers out so they can count the stacks of false ballots they had hidden under the tables multiple times? Or is that still OK?

  2. Call me when Ruby Freeman and her daughter are in jail, instead of getting awarded hundreds of millions in a sham civil suit against Rudy Giuliani.

  3. 3,075 my ass.
    *nudge, nudge – wink, wink*

    Commit treason and get a letter in your file?
    What’s wrong with this picture?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. How are they going to punish the Georgia secretary of state who certified this travesty? Did you also know GA is still using the hackable Dominion change your vote machines?

    My suggestion is tar and feathers and run out of the state on a rail.

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