What We Can Look Forward to Over the Next Six Months – IOTW Report

What We Can Look Forward to Over the Next Six Months


So how does Biden become renominated and reelected, as polls show he is behind in almost every critical swing state on nearly every issue?

Answer: not by campaigning, not by championing his record, and especially not by doubling down on his neo-socialist and now unpopular agendas.

Instead, his campaign is focused on four other strategies to beat former President Donald Trump. More

23 Comments on What We Can Look Forward to Over the Next Six Months

  1. Terrorist attacks, racial unrest, assassination attempts, Train derailments, Bridge collapses, and ultimately the arrest of anybody that openly supports Trump. And the Liberal Media openly calling for the murder of conservatives. Which has kind of already started.

  2. We have the most turbulent 6-8 months our country has ever experienced. The deep state will not let go easily. Got food, got cash, got gold or silver, got ammo, most importantly, got like minded friends? Get ready, it’s coming!

  3. If they want Martial Law, all they need to do is cut off the freebies to the 33 million new arrivals that are currently here. And remember, these people, traitors, are now scared to death of being prosecuted by a Trump admin. They are motivated by self preservation.

  4. There’s a single multi-purpose word that we can use to describe what we will have over the next several months: shit.

    We will have political shit, economic shit, international shit, national shit, state shit, county shit, and town hall local shit. Also, environmental shit, supply chain shit, food supply shit, and bug-eater shit. We’ll have shit from bureaucrats, shit from NGOs, shit from educationists, and especially lots of shit from self-proclaimed journalists. Democrat shit. Republican shit. Green shit. Libertarian shit. Shit from strangers. Shit from neighbors.

    So stock up on Vicks VapoRub. You’ll need the big tubs.

  5. My kids and their families, and one set of friends, have instructions. The first sign of civil unrest you beat feet for the homestead. It’s an arsenal. In my opinion the potential for an attack “mid America” is extremely high. And by design. Fuck these people.

  6. @Erik — I’ll watch that video later, but wanted to say I’ve always wanted a Fairbairn. A good replica will do as long as it’s the right steel and the hilt the proper shape.

  7. I say;
    Fuck biden, Soros, Valerie Jarrett and especially the wannabe; King Obutthole.

    The majority of American patriots DO NOT want the shit that liberals are pushing.

    I have NO doubt the South will rise again and they will have a tremendous amount of backing.

  8. Anonymous mock us all you wish we are but dust, ash, and wretched sinners like you, but do not mock the Lord God Almighty for you put your immortal soul in peril.

    I will pray that the light of Jesys Christ the Son of God comes into your heart and moves your soul away from Satan.

  9. VDH, can you explain the Juneteenth debate proposal? What is really up with that? All of your points make perfect sense in a world where precedent matters, but we left that world in 2020, and now anything goes. What fresh hell awaits us? Martial Law? Michael Obama?

  10. They’ve tried all that and they just keep going lower. Face it, nobody likes the guy and that’s been true his entire life. Why do you think he went into politics? He’s the best idiot money can buy.

    Finally, never forget this is RCP talking. Not exactly an honest broker. Witness that tying up Trump in court has been a big flop.

    Then there’s the fact the Peacock and Telemundo (not exactly pro-Trump) offered to host debates and Trump accepted. Idiot refused. They keep grabbing an opportunity just to blow it.

    PS VDH is an astute man. twin is Jeffery again.

  11. What We Can Look Forward to Over the Next Six Months?
    More character assassination, denigration, ridicule, scorn, slander, defamation, defecation and more lies on top of preposterous lies than you can shake a crack pipe at from this Lo-IQ, pig-eyed stooge!


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