Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán Leads Thousands in Budapest Pro-Peace Rally Against War in Ukraine – IOTW Report

Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán Leads Thousands in Budapest Pro-Peace Rally Against War in Ukraine


Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán led thousands of his citizens in a peace rally in Central Budapest on Saturday, demanding an end to the war in Ukraine and to stop the escalation between the West and Russia.

The emergency break needs to be pulled to prevent the “European train hurtling toward war”, Prime Minister Orbán warned as he addressed thousands gathered in the Hungarian capital to protest against the war in Ukraine and the refusal of Europe to push for peace talks.

The rally, which came less than a week before 450 million EU citizens will head to the polls to select the next European Parliament, saw thousands march from the Chain Bridge to Margaret Island in the middle of the Danube carrying banners reading “No War”. MORE

3 Comments on Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán Leads Thousands in Budapest Pro-Peace Rally Against War in Ukraine

  1. This guy is another mixed bag. As someone of Hungarian decent (Grandfather came here in the early 1900s), I am certainly proud of his stands on immigration, sovereignty, the EU, peace, etc. but his behavior and tyranny during the PLANNEDEMIC was atrocious. It is such a shame that so many otherwise good people fell for all those lies and helped out those mass murderers.

  2. On the subjects of peace, immigration and sovereignty I am with Mr. Orbán. I think he is correct in saying no other western leader than Trump can stop the war, in part because no other prominent leader has stepped forward to say so.


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