Aviator Glasses Are All It Takes – IOTW Report

Aviator Glasses Are All It Takes

22 Comments on Aviator Glasses Are All It Takes

  1. I’ve known a lot of fighter jocks from my service in a fighter squadron in the Navy. Believe me, joey isn’t a fighter jock, not even close, if anything he’s a lying two faced pony soldier fighter jerk. The only thing that he has in common with fighter jocks is his big ego and his big ego is evil to the core. If he was a fighter jock, he’d be like Robert Duvall in The Great Santini, a major league prick.

  2. Real aviators are going to start wearing Elton John sunglasses just to prevent the ground crew from running out to check their pants after every mission!

  3. Joey’s handlers really ought to get him a pair of Augmented Reality glasses and beam him images of Brownie Scouts and ice cream cones to calm him down and get him to stand still. They’d even be useful as a stealth teleprompter.

    Then we could hack the rig and have us some fun!

  4. Geni – Would love to see him wearing a flight suit , demonstrating the eject button.

    Applying that much pressure to Joe’s flight suit would result in a canopy pop followed by a huge brown cloud!


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