Nathan Wade Made the Butt of Jokes on The Daily Show – IOTW Report

Nathan Wade Made the Butt of Jokes on The Daily Show


On Tuesday, Wade appeared on The Daily Show’s segment of Choppin’ It Up With ‘Quon in which his romantic relationship with Willis was brought up as the in-character Marlon Wayans playing ‘Quon asked suggestive questions. More


12 Comments on Nathan Wade Made the Butt of Jokes on The Daily Show

  1. Um, okay. Very good. I’ll just leave it up there… Stepping away from the link, now. I haven’t got a clue and am not sure I want one. Thanks, Doc. 😕

  2. “Wade began the interview by describing Willis as a “respectable mother,” and a “brilliant legal mind,”

    So are there two different Fani Willis’?? Brilliant legal mind? AYFKM?


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