cbs news
Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has been hospitalized after sustaining an injury during a trip to Luxembourg as part of a congressional delegation, her office said Friday.
“While traveling with a bipartisan Congressional delegation in Luxembourg to mark the 80th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge, Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi sustained an injury during an official engagement and was admitted to the hospital for evaluation,” spokesperson Ian Krager said in a statement. “Speaker Emerita Pelosi is currently receiving excellent treatment from doctors and medical professionals.” More
Oooooooooooooh, bless her heart!
hope she drops dead ! traitor to our country.
Just die.
What? NO! I don’t want her!
Walk towards the light, Nancy…the reddish, flickering one…you’ll see your friends and family again, they’re all in that lovely, ruddy glow…
She probably will get a Purple Heart from Millie.
Hammertime, don’t STOP!
PLEASE touch this!
TRUMP’S FAULT¡!!!!!!111@@@!@11!!!! REEEEEEEÉTTTTT!!!!!@11!!!!¡!!¡!!111++×#@!!22!!!
Saw somewhere that was reporting a broken hip. At her age it’s generally all downhill from there.
Will she emerge with a blackened left eye? Have some Jay Leno type story about falling down a hill next to her hotel?
drunk again
This should raise some eyebrows.
Gosh, that’s a shame… Anywho… I got this blister on my foot, and it’s just annoying me to no end.
Congress critters dropping like flies recently…I call that a “good start”…
‘Tis the season for making a list and checking it twice.
What’s this “speaker emerita” shit? She’s the EX-speaker.
May she be too infirm to travel ever again.
i think we are entitled to know what her BAC was at the time of the incident….
After the evil she has perpetrated on our country and the world, any suffering she is undergoing is karma.
I hope they Covid vaccinate her. She’s never had a real one. Lots of boosters too.
She probably stepped on a nipple and fell.
Emeritus/Emerita is Latin for retired (gender specific). If she went the full monty it would locutora emerita, but her Latin probably is 4th grade Catholic school. She probably picked the title herself.
If she went down a flight of stairs, as is reported elsewhere, she could have a lot wrong. Cocaine Mitch supposedly sprained his wrist and he’s in a wheelchair.
Congress is dangerous.
“I’m in charge”
best comment I’ve seen from that story by far- “pelosi fell while trying to avoid being crushed by a falling house, which is how her sister was killed.”
Sooner or later, everybody’s gotta pay the piper.
She may think she’s an exception, but…
jasmine, try giving blowjobs to *******
Needs to go thru what Trump had to endure and then executed for treason.
Nick Sortor Verified account @nicksortor
about 1 hour ago
🚨 UPDATE: Nancy Pelosi tripped while walking down marble stairs, “took a hard fall,” and fractured her hip, per NYT
This comes just DAYS after Mitch McConnell had a similar incident causing injuries as well.
We need term limits NOW.
hmm…sounds like somebody’s playing with a voodoo doll somewhere. 🤔
Is she going to be treated at the Betty Ford Clinic when she returns home? Speaking of fossils in the Senate, was this posted here before? Gotta love ole Mitch.
As the General stated way back during the Battle of the Bulge … NUTS
Now I’m sad …
Mitch and Nancy in the same week.
What’s Schumer’s itinerary?
I hope the marble stairs weren’t damaged.
hope the vet detailed to work on “it” is not traumatized
Don’t they have assisted euthanasia there?
Do you have to make the request in person or can it be called in?
If SNS was here he might point out that this defines “Schadenfreud”
That marble might need to be sandblasted .
Commie Bitch suffered a broken hip which is akin to a death sentence at her age. Coming soon her final fall into the fiery pits of hall. burn Baby Burn!
ex-sphincter-of-the-house, so solly