Biden Says There’s Not a Single Thing He Regrets About His Disastrous Presidency (VIDEO) – IOTW Report

Biden Says There’s Not a Single Thing He Regrets About His Disastrous Presidency (VIDEO)


Joe Biden sat down for an interview in the Roosevelt Room in the West Wing of the White House with MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas to discuss his presidency, regrets and accomplishments.

Biden told Ben Meiselas that there’s not a single thing he regrets about his disastrous presidency.

“Any other regrets or anything you wished you would have done differently?” the host asked Biden.

An ailing Biden replied, “Well, I guess if I thought a lot about it there’d be something specifically, not generically.”


22 Comments on Biden Says There’s Not a Single Thing He Regrets About His Disastrous Presidency (VIDEO)

  1. C’mon man! Whatsta regress? I got lotsa munney, put lotsa folks in prsom, committed every crime inna b9ok an NO ONE can persecute me forem! I even perdon my sin Beau or someone so THEY gets away with everytjig TOO! AND I gots to sniffem lotsa kids, folks’d bringem to me, then the ones I REALLY liked got the Ashley treatement! An the cops protevt ME!

    So whatsta regrt? I gets everythinn I want, AND shut that Kambala chik up! Now leame alom, Jill says I get iccream!

  2. Joey may not have any regrets, but the American people do for allowing this sorry POS posing as president ever get to be president in the first place by outright, blatant in your face stealing of the 2020 presidential election. The 4-year nightmare is almost over in 30 days, hallelujah and good riddance to the absolute worst US president ever.

  3. That’s one of the MANY problems with liberals…
    They believe EVERYTHING they do is good, even when it fucks up the ENTIRE country.

    They are blind, oblivious, unconscious, out of touch, ignorant and/or otherwise disconnected from the truth.

    And that makes them completely useless.

  4. As James O’Keefe verified what Laura Loomer reported, the real Brandon is vegetable, unable to compose of speak a simple declarative English sentence.

    What the body double(s) say does not interest me.

  5. Regrats, “Oh, I guess if I thought about I might think about specific, not generally.” He doesn’t think about it because he was incapable. I doubt if he made any decisions the last two 1/2 years (minus one year of vacations).
    Treasonous Unelected Staff making decisions for the Nation that brought us to the brink of world war.
    Disaster of a Presidency in all regards, from the stolen election to Ukraine, Afghanistan, economy, inflation, military, crime, drugs, National Security, invasion of immigrants, 10s of thousands of Unvetted Muslims from Afghanistan, Syria, Iran, Africa, etc. and his family’s Corruption.

    What good did he do?
    Biden’s incompetence paved the way for President Trump.

  6. It almost seems as though Joe is trying to secure the hottest place in Hades he can. Beneficiary of a rigged stolen election – he can’t be so far out of it that he doesn’t realize that. McCain would high five him upon his arrival if he could get his arms that high.

  7. When Joey Pee Biden first emerged out of his mother’s womb the doctor punched him in the face 3 times, instead of slapping his ass. We had to endure the result for four long years.

  8. God will hold Dementia Joe accountable. He won’t have Alzheimers when he stands before God’s throne at Judgment Day. Everything this repulsive, unrepentant, reprobate has done is literally recorded in Heaven. He will not have the luxury of forgetfulness of all the horrific, sinful things he’s done as he’s sentenced to Hell for eternity.

  9. Pres. Biden: Do you have any regrets?

    Biden: Regrets? Yes. I got to sniff only a couple hundred young girls. As your President, I expected and should have sniffed a whole lot more.

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