Badco, I hate facebook also but I was able to watch it simply by closing the login promp, and it’s pretty funny.
Now do hockey
Hockey! Hockey? What’s hockey got? Look at that stick on #47. Or, Puck You. Help me out here.
The National Lampoon did a funny article about hockey back in the 1970’s. They showed how it would change if the players were mostly black. They called it “Honkey”. The players all had big Afros and wore gold chains around their necks. They wore basketball type uniforms with no padding and wore some type of Ghetto gangster hats – fedoras with feathers on the top.
Sorry… don’t do fakebook.
LOL, not a lot of tight ends in that game anymore.
This is why women should watch football. The last thing I want after a good game is the wife all hot and bothered, pestering me.
Rich, sometimes you just got to man up and take one for the team. Or give one as it maybe. LOL
Bruiser La Rue
Badco, I hate facebook also but I was able to watch it simply by closing the login promp, and it’s pretty funny.
Now do hockey
Hockey! Hockey? What’s hockey got? Look at that stick on #47. Or, Puck You. Help me out here.
The National Lampoon did a funny article about hockey back in the 1970’s. They showed how it would change if the players were mostly black. They called it “Honkey”. The players all had big Afros and wore gold chains around their necks. They wore basketball type uniforms with no padding and wore some type of Ghetto gangster hats – fedoras with feathers on the top.