Clinton Foundation Failed To Report Pro-Bono Work Done By Russian-Linked PR Firm – IOTW Report

Clinton Foundation Failed To Report Pro-Bono Work Done By Russian-Linked PR Firm

This is a story that’s been slowly building up to make a connection between the Clinton Foundation and the Russians bribing their way to purchase Uranium One.

Back in October there was news about an American PR firm, APCO Worldwide, who took millions from the Russians who sought their lobbying assistance in smoothing regulatory barriers to our energy sector. It didn’t hurt APCO’s standing with the Russians that they were also  tied to the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI), part of their Foundation scam. More

Yesterday, the Hill reported that their investigations of Clinton Foundation filings indicated that they had failed to properly report “hundreds of thousands” of dollars worth of “pro bono” work done for the CGI by APCO.  MORE

APCO released a same-day statement declaring that their work for the Russians and the Clintons was completely separate from each other, Here

Separately, these revelations may amount to nothing but some minor reporting infractions by the Clinton Foundation. Add in the testimony of the FBI informant, who is expected to appear before congress in a few weeks, and it might just be enough rope to hang the Clintons.

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