A Beginners Guide to “Brain Organoids” – IOTW Report

A Beginners Guide to “Brain Organoids”

bio med central

Human brain organoids are self-assembled three-dimensional (3D) tissue models derived from pluripotent stem cells (PSC) that recapitulate certain aspects of human brain development and physiology [14,15,16], including specific cell types and brain regions. As such, cells can communicate with other cell types and with the extracellular matrix creating a physiological microenvironment [17,18,19]. Their gene expression profiles resemble that of the human foetal brain, up to the last trimester of gestation [2021]. More

BBC’s “Crowd Science” aired this morning. Listen

9 Comments on A Beginners Guide to “Brain Organoids”

  1. Why do we suddenly need an introduction to these…things? I’ve got a bad feeling we’re being groomed for a fresh biomedical/AI hell of some sort. Everybody thinks they’re god these days.


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