A Burn Worse Than Hell for Jim McCain – IOTW Report

A Burn Worse Than Hell for Jim McCain

Jim?? Who is Jim McCain??


From American Thinker-

Once, when we had some 30-somethings at our house, we noticed a Bob Hope movie was on the television in the other room.  We commented on it and were shocked when both of the 30-somethings said “…who’s Bob Hope?”

30 years from now, there will be 30-somethings who will say “…who’s John McCain?”

They will, however, know just who Donald Trump was.


It gives me great comfort knowing that this is the truth.

Who the hell is John McCain?



23 Comments on A Burn Worse Than Hell for Jim McCain

  1. That’s surprising. I knew who plenty of old comedians were as a kid. Back in ’98 I was obsessed with Laurel and Hardy movies. I guess it depends on what your parents share with you… ;b

    Oh, and WHO? Joe MCWalking Stick?? Never heard of ’em.

  2. Harold Lloyd, Buster Keaton, Jimmy Cagney & Clark Gable among others are likely on the unknown list too. Maybe even John Wayne.
    Who’s Juan McKane,is that the correct spelling?

  3. Benedict Arnold made a lasting impression as did Quisling. McCain tried his best to meet that benchmark but only time will tell.

    Anything he is remembered for will NOT be regarded in a positive light.

  4. “… all be forgotten … like tears in the rain …”

    McCain had promise. Prominent forbears – illustrious Naval family – and he squandered all in carousing and alcohol.

    Leveraged his name to attain political power and squandered it all to enrich himself and his sycophants – again while reveling in heat of power – but refusing to do anything to help return America to safety, security, or prominence.

    Much as I hate to admit it, he’s a poster-boy for excluding mediocre mentalities from public life. That whole “democracy” (I know we’re a Republic, but I’m using “democracy” to imply self-rule by the people, of the people, and for the people) thing becomes suspect in the light of such profound disappointment. He enjoyed the trappings of power more than the good exercise thereof.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. There exists many “measure of a man” quotes, but none so aptly applies to McCain as Albert Einstein’s:

    “The true measure of a man is the degree to which he has managed to subjugate his ego”.

    That he spent his remaining months focused on exacting revenge on one person, and the cabal surrounding him to carry that out, says more about the man’s character than I ever could, and THIS is how he will be memorialized in the annals of history.

  6. Juan had in in for Trump for no other reason than Trump became potus and juanny boy didn’t.
    Sounds deplorably similar to a certain other recent presidential candidate, no?

  7. “Son, let me tell you about McCain and the USS Funeral tragedy…There he was, about to be catapulted, when somebody fired off a shot at Trump. Suddenly the whole ship erupted in explosions and raging fires. The smell of bitter acrimony was everywhere. When it was over, scores of political careers lay smoldering in the wreckage, and survivors in the water had to be rescued by an Establishment cruise ship which was nearby. The full extent of the damage was not known for a couple of months, but it turned out to be a pivotal event in the Battle of 2018.”

  8. Maybe a bunch of survivors from the USS Forrestal fire and tragedy should’ve crashed McLame’s funeral and shouted the names of the 130 + dead sailors in unison and SHAME, SHAME, SHAME on you. But they’re too classy for that even though he deserves it.

  9. @Tim September 3, 2018 at 8:49 am

    > a poster-boy for excluding mediocre mentalities from public life. That whole “democracy” (I know we’re a Republic, but I’m using “democracy” to imply self-rule by the people, of the people, and for the people) thing becomes suspect

    Public life? Or public service? Actually, it turns out, it doesn’t matter — six of one, half-a-dozen of the same.

    When the rule (whatever rule, or rule of-) is “majority rules”, how do you propose to get the above average to agree? Of course, the less than average (well, the self-aware less than average — if you can find such, in these cases) will agree. Simply average is above their reasonable expectation. So there’s every expectation of something to be gained, by agreeing to be swept along, before even climbing aboard. The average, and the mostly average, have nothing — well mostly nothing — to lose or gain. And do get the assurance of reliable mediocrity for all. But the above average? How are you going to convince them to even, willingly, climb aboard as passengers? Let alone volunteer to crew — to the best of their abilities. When they must swear to submit to the “majority rules” rule of fools?

  10. Anonymous,
    Public life – most emphatically not “public service” which implies some manner of selflessness. Our politicians are not “public servants” by any stretch of the imagination – they serve themselves – exclusively – and if that sometimes aligns with some generally desirable public outcome – then all the better.

    izlamo delenda est …

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