Mollie Tibbetts’ Father is, Like All Progressives, A Lost Cause – IOTW Report

Mollie Tibbetts’ Father is, Like All Progressives, A Lost Cause

American Thinker-

We used to be told that conservatives are liberals who have been mugged by reality. The problem is that the propaganda and the brainwashing of the left has become so intensive, so pervasive, that “mugging” has no effect. Liberals can be assaulted again and again by reality, but will still hold true to whatever has been programmed into them by primary and secondary schools, by the media, by popular culture, by universities and by their peers.


Take the case of Mollie Tibbetts, the young girl who was brutally murdered by an illegal alien. Any normal father would have been outraged about the lack of controls of our border which directly contributed to her death. Instead, Mollie’s father, Rob Tibbetts

is incensed that people are “using” his daughter’s murder to call for better border security. He claims that those who want to enforce the law are racist against Hispanics, conveniently blurring the lines — most illegal aliens are Hispanic, but many Hispanics are not illegal aliens.  Tibbetts spouts the standard liberal talking points that illegal aliens contribute to the American “tapestry” in “all its color”.

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51 Comments on Mollie Tibbetts’ Father is, Like All Progressives, A Lost Cause

  1. At least historically the Tibbets family name included another guy who knew what to do with foreigners that threatened to take the lives of Americans – Paul Tibbets. Enola Gaye Tibbets boy.

    Rob T. Is a sad case lost cause who’d rather be PC than protect his own or others children.

  2. If this guy is cool with all the laws this illegal had to break to to get the opportunity to murder his daughter–why start enforcing the law now? Let the illegal go back to adding his blood red-color to the tapestry .

  3. We used to be told that conservatives are liberals who have been mugged by reality.

    We are, still, told that. By the same people. People who’s job description is to “play the role of ‘not the communalists'”. Not because they are not communalists. They wouldn’t be eligible for hiring, by the communalists, were they not communalists. But to raise a flag, so all the malcontents can salute. Before getting back to work. For all the communalists. Including those whose role is to play “not the communalists”.

  4. Instead of grieving the loss of his daughter he chooses to signal all the other idiots out there how politically correct and enlightened he is. He opted to seek praise from the public for his views.

  5. “He claims that those who want to enforce the law are racist against Hispanics, conveniently blurring the lines — most illegal aliens are Hispanic, but many Hispanics are not illegal aliens.”

    How dare he claim to not see the blur the anti-(not-inter-)nationalist banksters, purr for the glorious new regalia of the emperor (of just lines on a piece of paper)!? Smaht peasants, self-important peasants, peasants who deserve the opportunity to pay the anti-(not-inter-)nationalist banksters for their… well… like the emperor(of-just-lines-on-a-piece-of-paper)’s fine regalia, there must be something there… There just must be!

    Surely, loyal citizen, you see the line? Don’t you? Maybe you’re too stupid. And only see a blur? A smudge? Oh, my. Oh dear. Just how deplorably stupid are you?

  6. He said “My stepdaughter, whom Mollie loved so dearly, is Latina. Her sons — Mollie’s cherished nephews and my grandchildren — are Latino.” These are step relationships he is afraid of losing if he doesn’t strongly come out a libtard. Pathetically insecure and also extremely brainwashed.

  7. His daughter thought and expressed herself like him, at least from what I saw on her Twitter page and her friends kept saying the same thing.
    I wouldn’t say anything at the time, but as much as I feel for their loss, the reality is that it’s not about them anymore. They want to be OK with that kind of violence, I don’t.

  8. The public school system in this country has really did a number on this generation. Apparently it’s even bled over to some of the dimmer witted parents.
    This guys daughter was murdered by a savage that doesn’t belong here and culturally doesn’t fit with this countries standards of common decency and yet he finds this new and absurd idea of diversity more important than her life.
    This is both sad and enraging.

  9. So Daddy Douche Bag, I’m a racist because I I want to keep evil men out of my country who want to kill my kid. FUCK. YOU.

    Well if you won’t use your daughter’s death as a rallying cry to build The Wall, we will.

  10. To OG

    That’s exactly what Leftist indoctrination does…
    ideology over:
    etc etc

    One can only hope a non-racist tornado swings by and shows them some gender-neutral “love.”

  11. Ask the idiot what he wants done with his daughter’s murderer? If he comes back with anything short of “let him go” call him a racist who only wants to imprison brown people.

  12. The really sad thing is that this asshole father instilled his “values” in his poor daughter. It is possible and plausible that in not wanting to be perceived as prejudiced against Mexicans, she may have waited too long in trying to get away from he attacker; seconds that cost her life.

  13. Remember Elizabeth Smart? Left-wing dad invited a homeless man to live in his house. Homeless man kidnaps 14-year old Elizabeth and keeps her as his sex-slave for over a year. Mr. Not-so-Smart got his daughter back, but she will never be the same. Progressiveism is not just a mental disease, it is a suicide pact.

  14. Lawful retribution required for a heinous crime has nothing to do with the race. It’s the act itself that cries out for justice. Leftists like the Tibbetts blatantly ignore civil morally-based laws that protect society from destruction because they represent conservative mores which they despise.
    The left’s mission to turn society into a socialist wasteland has no limits, including sacrificing anyone to accomplish that goal.

  15. @organgrinder September 3, 2018 at 9:05 am

    > The public school system in this country has really did a number on this generation. Apparently it’s even bled over to some of the dimmer witted parents.

    The School™ (singular) was very publicly, with quite a display of murderous violence, nationalized by The Party, over fifty years ago. How many biblical patriarchs do you think are cranking out children, in their eighties?

    (And compare that number, to the number of eligible voters who have no living relative, that they’ve ever been allowed to speak to, by their Legal Guardians™, who was not Schooled™ by The Party. Just for giggles.)

  16. You know, Tibbetts reaction is psychotic. He is gleeful, self righteous, supports the killer plus, he relates to the killer’s actions and has no sympathy, grief or remorse for the victim – his own daughter. Also, he doesn’t understand why it’s necessary to punish and prevent his daughter’s killer from killing again. It’s really too bad fathers this neglective and evil are not criminally held responsible when their children are harmed as result of their anti-social ideologies.
    At least, Tibbetts won’t escape God’s judgement – which at this point will be a fiery Hell.

  17. My late Godfather would disagree with these white liberal pukes. He came to the U.S. in 1942 to join the military and fight for America, and as a Marine was wounded twice in the Pacific campaign. He had absolutely NO love for anyone who came here illegally since it almost cost him his life to become an American Citizen. If he were alive today he’d probably volunteer for guard duty on the border!

  18. organgrinder SEPTEMBER 3, 2018 AT 5:59 AM
    “This is why the elections are always so nail biting. You think most people have common sense……………but they don’t.”
    This should be on a bumper sticker.

  19. Some people may have thought I was overly harsh on this guy last week.

    He’s a nutbag.

    Supporting sane immigration policies isn’t racism. Pointing out that a sane policy would have kept his daughter alive isn’t racism. He intentionally conflates the two because he is immoral and dishonest. And every day for the rest of his pathetic life he is going to look in the mirror and be dishonest with himself about why his daughter is dead.

    His daughter was raped and then stabbed to death in a field and he’s sitting there virtue signaling about tolerance and tacos .

    Do the world a favor and eat a bullet. Blood isn’t thicker than salsa apparently.

  20. That is the largest walking pussy I have ever seen. Such extreme beta males should never spawn.

    In August 1990, my brothers and I sat at a burger place in Tempe, AZ, called the Chuck Box discussing how to dispose of the body of the man who raped and nearly murdered my oldest sister. He beat her so badly that the ER doctors told the police photographers to “Just wait for the autopsy.”

    Luckily, my sister lived and the bastard is in prison, effectively for life. He was an unemployable loser 28 year old man who lived next to the new apartment she and her daughter had just moved into, and he had a key from the previous tenants. Don’t believe them when they tell you they changed the locks. There’s a lot of desert between San Diego and Albuquerque. I think we might have been able to pull it off, but we didn’t have to find out. (The Phoenix detectives were not stupid and they would have been looking hard at us, so it’s probably best.)

    For my daughter? No question. He would die.

    This man was happy to sacrifice his daughter’s life on the altar of liberalism. “Look how noble and forgiving I am!!”


  21. I say he smells elected office out of this. He’ll have the ‘street cred’ and name recognition to jump on the Dem bandwagon. Disgusting. How can a parent deny their responsibility to protect their child?

  22. @Cliche Guevara September 3, 2018 at 3:13 pm

    > He intentionally conflates the two because he is immoral and dishonest.

    I intentionally conflate the two because I am honest. I guess that also makes me immoral. Sorry, Meg.

  23. anon: I don’t see your point.
    Are you saying you are against immigration period – legal or not?

    I was saying he intentionally conflates legal and illegal so he can dishonestly and immorally make racism charges.


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