A Call To Sleep – IOTW Report

A Call To Sleep

This story illustrates the absolute absurdity of the Jewish/Arab debate and how tolerant the Jews are compared to the intolerance in the Arab world.

JERUSALEM (Reuters) – A law to muffle mosques’ amplified calls to prayer in Israel and occupied East Jerusalem won preliminary approval on Wednesday in a charged parliamentary session where Arab legislators denounced the measure as racist.

Supporters of the bill say it is aimed at improving the quality of life of people living near mosques who have been losing sleep. The calls usually begin sounding a little before 5 A.M. through loudspeakers mounted on minarets

Opponents say the legislation, sponsored by right-wing parties, impinges on the religious freedom of Israel’s Muslim minority. Arabs make up almost 20 percent of the population and have long complained of discrimination.

Two versions of law won initial approval and will go to committee for further discussion before any final vote in parliament, in what could be a lengthy process.

“You are committing a racist act,” said Ahmed Tibi, an Arab lawmaker, told supporters of the legislation.

The proposed law refers in general terms to “houses of worship”, but it has been dubbed the “muezzin law” by the Israeli media, referring to the man who chants the Muslim call to prayer.

One of the bills would ban a summons to worship via loudspeakers between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. That would effectively mute one of the five daily calls emanating from mosques. The second proposal would bar amplification in residential areas at all hours and impose a 10,000 shekel ($2,700) fine for violations.

“This is a social-minded law that aims to protect citizens’ sleep, without, God-forbid, harming anyone’s religious faith,” legislator Motti Yogev, one of the bill’s sponsors, said during a debate punctuated by shouting matches between the bill’s backers and detractors.


Firstly, when do we hear the term “Jewish lawmaker” in the Arab world?

Where in the Arab world does a Rabbi blare through a loudspeaker half a dozen times a day to alert Jews they need to go to temple? Would this be permitted if this were a Jewish tradition?

Why do Arabs think they are a different race than the Jews?

ht/ fdr in hell

14 Comments on A Call To Sleep

  1. Everyone else has to comply with the law – why not muzzies? Why do some people think these medieval, cause of the dark ages throwbacks are more worthy than normal present day people? I thought we were supposed to be more advanced than 1300 AD.

  2. Man if I where in ear shot of that shit I’d Tee up some heavily amplified Wang Dang Sweet Poontang followed by a course or two of Strangle Hold. And repeat as necessary.

  3. Why the hell do the Arabs need such a calling, don’t they have a watch/clock, are the callings always at the same time, why the hell wake up 80% of the population that won’t be heading towards the damn mosques anyway??
    That’s rhetorical, I know the Ahabs think they are the most important people on the planet. Ahabs/Arabs, whatever.

  4. Another aside. If given the raw components, could a goat fucking muzzie actually build a handheld loudspeaker?
    Not saying I could, but I would not pester my neighbors at 5am either.

    Just like airplanes muzzies use the technology they are incapable of building themselves to murder, bully and bother us.

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