A dying art that needs to survive – IOTW Report

A dying art that needs to survive

Screen Shot 2015-08-20 at 10.26.32 PMGreat video of a great artist committed to extending the tradition of penmanship.

Click for video

HT/ petrus


17 Comments on A dying art that needs to survive

  1. That was just WOW. One of my more successful art ventures was pen and pencil line drawings. What this guy does is symphony orchestra next to my kindergarten scratchings.

  2. Fabulous work.

    I’m ashamed of my handwriting-my father had beautiful handwriting.

    I feel the same way about my art, 46 years working with leaded glass-bastardized, commercialized, cheapened beyond belief-to the point that people have seen so much garbage that it’s just not a viable alternative for their homes.

    Until they see my work!

  3. Thank you, this video just made my day. I’ve always thought that I think and write better with a pen than with a typewriter or keyboard on my computer. And besides being able to write with a pen gives me time to think about what I’m writing and I think it looks better than typing as well. I used to write a lot of letters home (I still have a small box of old handwritten letters in a closet or drawer somewhere around the house), letters to family and friends when I was younger, maybe it’s time start that all over again. Letters handwritten are far more personal than E mail etc. ever will be and I couldn’t text if my life depended on it because to me it’s a lazy way to communicate. The one class I liked the most in HS other than history was drafting and especially lettering. Mechanical drafting I left to my son who understands spatial relations and schematics far more than I do but I do have decent and probably above average writing and handwriting skills. And if the world ever does go to Hell in a hand basket how are we going to communicate in a written fashion if no one but the old guys knows how to write effectively in cursive or even block letters. technology isn’t the be all and end all it’s cracked up to be..

  4. If there is one thing I can brag about myself , it is my penmanship and I have my 7th grade teacher, Sr.Barbara, to thank for it. She insisted that how you write reflects your character and promotes creative skills.
    It saddens me to think that this is a lost art.

  5. I love this video, also had Drafting in High school.Along the way learned how to draw with Pen and Ink, Flow pen on Mylar it truly is a lost art.Computer drawing? It’s ok but I would have rather retired drawing manually.

  6. Beautiful. Very gifted young man. No two people are alike. God created distinct individual traits. Handwriting is evidence of each person’s unique identity. Sadly, communist programs like Common Core in our educational system is designed to destroy individuality.

  7. How Handwriting Trains the Brain
    Forming Letters Is Key to Learning, Memory, Ideas

    http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052748704631504575531932754922518 .

    The Importance of Teaching Handwriting in the 21st Century

    ” …The Common Core Standards—released in 2010 and so far adopted by all but five U.S. states1—have pushed cursive handwriting to the wayside in favor of keyboarding and other tech-based literacy learning. …”

    https://www.zaner-bloser.com/news/importance-teaching-handwriting-21st-century .

    If you want to improve your penmanship I recommend you write from your letters from your shoulder, and spend some time writing with a Fude pen. ( aka brush pen) and a flex nib fountain pen.

    I suppose the thumb of fury on a smart phone is an art form. But a hand written note, written with style, though perhaps not perfect lettering, just has more soul in my view.

    Fountain Pen Day this year is Nov 6th. 10 weeks, and 6 days from today.

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