A Lot of the Irish Seem to be Waking Up Dead – IOTW Report

A Lot of the Irish Seem to be Waking Up Dead

granite grok

I’m sure it’s just monkeypox or a Donald Trump Tweet- something like that. Although Dr. Peter McCullough had some thoughts that might apply. Like the not-at-all-normal problem of otherwise healthy people dying in their sleep.

Dr. McCullough pointed to a “state-of-the-heart review” done by an international team of cardiologists published in the journal Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy this May. According to this study, many heart issues are being reported post-vaccination, with myocarditis being the most common. “While myocarditis is the highest reported cardiovascular ramification, other serious complications are also being increasingly reported,” the scientists wrote. …

The reason people die seemingly inexplicably in their sleep, Dr. McCullough explained, is sometimes because of a surge in catecholamines during the end of the sleep cycle. This natural biochemical change is the body’s signal to wake up.

During a catecholamine surge—whether a result of rigorous exercise or part of the normal wake-up process—this undetected vaccine-induced myocarditis can be fatal, Dr. McCullough said.


14 Comments on A Lot of the Irish Seem to be Waking Up Dead

  1. My liquor store ran out of Guinnes today. St. Patricks Day. Because they only brought in 1 case of it……I damned near died of myocarditis as I had to buy a stout from somewhere other then Ireland….

  2. @ Goat Man
    When I travel to Ireland, I see the locals drinking mostly Murphy’s Irish Stout.
    Side note: I once ordered a pint of bitter at a pub in Waterford. You could have heard a pin drop. The Micks were mighty miffed.

  3. …the other day I’m taking my lunch break and so sitting in the break room, half-listening to the telly that runs incessantly there on stupid game shows and such when a commmercial comes on for the latest in ways our goverment is advancinng the campaign to exterminate the elderly.

    The name of the game this time is Paxlovid.

    The commercial starts with a 60ish person showing mild cold symptoms, then finding out via a corrupted and fraudulent test that he “has Covid”, conveniently ignoring the fact that his symptoms may have been caused by the Jab by the same drug company and that the jab by the same drug company obviously didn’t work if he actually DOES have it. This is SO serious he HAS to talk to his doctor about Paxlovid, an Emergency Use Authorization drug that makes your corpse prettier when you die or something, didn’t really listen to the bullshit, but with the usual visuals like with antidepressants about various old dudes running around with hot chicks and doing fun things because apparently Paxlovid makes you a millionare.

    It then does the speed read of possible side effects and then slows down again to tell you how great you’ll feel if you only join the experiment, then we’re back to people looking at the audience like someone THERE knows the price of the car better than THEY can guess.

    Paxlovid is a Pfizer product, of course, so more money for them and the cabal that pushes the EUA for the Jab as well, and so it is presented as the ONLY way a normie can survive Coof, conveniently leaving out PROVEN cures like Ivermectin that cured ALL OF INDIA of the Chink Stink because that would fuck up their EUA if they EVER admitted THAT, so they wouldn’t be able to sterilize and murder children any more as a precondition of attending goverment indoctrination centers if they ever DID.

    Way down where no one looks on their Web site they do have “Important Safety Information”, like Pfizer gives a shit about that.

    There’s a giant list no one will ever read about drug interactions that lames off with “Other combinations might kill you, we just don’t have enough of a trial to know”.

    Then there’s the list of ways Paxlovid might kill you outright.

    “Possible side effects of PAXLOVID are:

    Allergic Reactions. Allergic reactions, including severe allergic reactions (known as ‘anaphylaxis’), can happen in people taking PAXLOVID, even after only 1 dose. Stop taking PAXLOVID and call your healthcare provider right away if you get any of the following symptoms of an allergic reaction:
    trouble swallowing or breathing
    swelling of the mouth, lips, or face
    throat tightness
    skin rash
    Liver Problems. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you have any of these signs and symptoms of liver problems: loss of appetite, yellowing of your skin and the whites of eyes (jaundice), dark-colored urine, pale-colored stools and itchy skin, or stomach area (abdominal) pain.
    Resistance to HIV Medicines. If you have untreated HIV infection, PAXLOVID may lead to some HIV medicines not working as well in the future.
    Other possible side effects include:
    altered sense of taste
    high blood pressure
    muscle aches
    abdominal pain
    feeling generally unwell”


    …So, it might jack your liver, suffocate you, blow your heart up, make you puke, or exacerbate immunological issues, and that’s just the stuff they ADMIT to.

    …but of course, there could be MORE. Who knows? NOT PFIZER!

    “These are not all the possible side effects of PAXLOVID. Not many people have taken PAXLOVID. Serious and unexpected side effects may happen. PAXLOVID is still being studied, so it is possible that all of the risks are not known at this time.”

    …great, so there’s OTHER ways it might kill you as well.

    But you may, could, might, kick that cold you have, possibly, so there’s that…or you may not. Did you see the LAST one?

    “feeling generally unwell”.

    …FFS, that’s why you made this trip in the FIRST place! So one side effect is that you end up gaining NOTHING but additionnal risks, while all the while there’s a VERY WELL KNOWN PROVEN MEDICINE out there that could actually, you know, CURE it?

    …IF you in fact HAVE it. The tests are still pretty sketchy and frauduent as well.

    But at least they are copping to not having done any gestational or teratelogical studies anyway. That’s better than when they lied to pregnant women by telling them Jab is sAfE aNd EfFeCtIvE for developing babies as well, even though they had NO FUCKING CLUE IF IT WAS OR WASN’T BECAUSE THEY NEVER DID EVEN SHORT-TERM STUDIES LET ALONE LONG TERM. And also, when you get into things like pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, you PROBABLY don’t want to give pregnant women things that are KNOWN TO FUCK WITH THEIR HEARTS, but that’s neither here nor there.

    …but here we are, still jabbing kids despite a MOUNTAIN of evidence that it DOES NO GOOD AND CAN DO VAST HARM, and still using “INVESTIGATIONAL” medicines for no reason other than it’s not possible to make obscene piles of geld from PROVEN ones.

    …it’s almost like they want most of the population DEAD, particuarly the older people who still remember what freedom was and aren’t as willing to surrender it as the younger, indoctrinated generation, and make a buck on it while they’re at it.

    So sick of these bastards. So ready to start hanging them, one by one or all at once, whatever it takes.

    Which is why they are gearing up to arrest President Trump.

    Because they need the distraction and the excuse to impose martial law, and start taking our guns to try to pre-empt the Nurenberg trials they’ve so richly earned…

  4. (Forgot and used an actual link. Sorry, Dr. Tar)

    …the other day I’m taking my lunch break and so sitting in the break room, half-listening to the telly that runs incessantly there on stupid game shows and such when a commmercial comes on for the latest in ways our goverment is advancinng the campaign to exterminate the elderly.

    The name of the game this time is Paxlovid.

    The commercial starts with a 60ish person showing mild cold symptoms, then finding out via a corrupted and fraudulent test that he “has Covid”, conveniently ignoring the fact that his symptoms may have been caused by the Jab by the same drug company and that the jab by the same drug company obviously didn’t work if he actually DOES have it. This is SO serious he HAS to talk to his doctor about Paxlovid, an Emergency Use Authorization drug that makes your corpse prettier when you die or something, didn’t really listen to the bullshit, but with the usual visuals like with antidepressants about various old dudes running around with hot chicks and doing fun things because apparently Paxlovid makes you a millionare.

    It then does the speed read of possible side effects and then slows down again to tell you how great you’ll feel if you only join the experiment, then we’re back to people looking at the audience like someone THERE knows the price of the car better than THEY can guess.

    Paxlovid is a Pfizer product, of course, so more money for them and the cabal that pushes the EUA for the Jab as well, and so it is presented as the ONLY way a normie can survive Coof, conveniently leaving out PROVEN cures like Ivermectin that cured ALL OF INDIA of the Chink Stink because that would fuck up their EUA if they EVER admitted THAT, so they wouldn’t be able to sterilize and murder children any more as a precondition of attending goverment indoctrination centers if they ever DID.

    Way down where no one looks on their Web site they do have “Important Safety Information”, like Pfizer gives a shit about that.

    There’s a giant list no one will ever read about drug interactions that lames off with “Other combinations might kill you, we just don’t have enough of a trial to know”.

    Then there’s the list of ways Paxlovid might kill you outright.

    “Possible side effects of PAXLOVID are:

    Allergic Reactions. Allergic reactions, including severe allergic reactions (known as ‘anaphylaxis’), can happen in people taking PAXLOVID, even after only 1 dose. Stop taking PAXLOVID and call your healthcare provider right away if you get any of the following symptoms of an allergic reaction:
    trouble swallowing or breathing
    swelling of the mouth, lips, or face
    throat tightness
    skin rash
    Liver Problems. Tell your healthcare provider right away if you have any of these signs and symptoms of liver problems: loss of appetite, yellowing of your skin and the whites of eyes (jaundice), dark-colored urine, pale-colored stools and itchy skin, or stomach area (abdominal) pain.
    Resistance to HIV Medicines. If you have untreated HIV infection, PAXLOVID may lead to some HIV medicines not working as well in the future.
    Other possible side effects include:
    altered sense of taste
    high blood pressure
    muscle aches
    abdominal pain
    feeling generally unwell”

    ht tps://www.paxlovid.com/?cmp=e5a7e3b5-6f21-4f9a-8560-89b4fc5cf66b&ttype=QRC&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIg5Pb5K_l_QIV5DizAB0GQgPwEAAYASAAEgJJ8vD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

    …So, it might jack your liver, suffocate you, blow your heart up, make you puke, or exacerbate immunological issues, and that’s just the stuff they ADMIT to.

    …but of course, there could be MORE. Who knows? NOT PFIZER!

    “These are not all the possible side effects of PAXLOVID. Not many people have taken PAXLOVID. Serious and unexpected side effects may happen. PAXLOVID is still being studied, so it is possible that all of the risks are not known at this time.”

    …great, so there’s OTHER ways it might kill you as well.

    But you may, could, might, kick that cold you have, possibly, so there’s that…or you may not. Did you see the LAST one?

    “feeling generally unwell”.

    …FFS, that’s why you made this trip in the FIRST place! So one side effect is that you end up gaining NOTHING but additionnal risks, while all the while there’s a VERY WELL KNOWN PROVEN MEDICINE out there that could actually, you know, CURE it?

    …IF you in fact HAVE it. The tests are still pretty sketchy and frauduent as well.

    But at least they are copping to not having done any gestational or teratelogical studies anyway. That’s better than when they lied to pregnant women by telling them Jab is sAfE aNd EfFeCtIvE for developing babies as well, even though they had NO FUCKING CLUE IF IT WAS OR WASN’T BECAUSE THEY NEVER DID EVEN SHORT-TERM STUDIES LET ALONE LONG TERM. And also, when you get into things like pre-eclampsia and eclampsia, you PROBABLY don’t want to give pregnant women things that are KNOWN TO FUCK WITH THEIR HEARTS, but that’s neither here nor there.

    …but here we are, still jabbing kids despite a MOUNTAIN of evidence that it DOES NO GOOD AND CAN DO VAST HARM, and still using “INVESTIGATIONAL” medicines for no reason other than it’s not possible to make obscene piles of geld from PROVEN ones.

    …it’s almost like they want most of the population DEAD, particuarly the older people who still remember what freedom was and aren’t as willing to surrender it as the younger, indoctrinated generation, and make a buck on it while they’re at it.

    So sick of these bastards. So ready to start hanging them, one by one or all at once, whatever it takes.

    Which is why they are gearing up to arrest President Trump.

    Because they need the distraction and the excuse to impose martial law, and start taking our guns to try to pre-empt the Nurenberg trials they’ve so richly earned…

  5. Heard this little gem last night at the Irish Bar

    Oh that Clancy
    Oh dat Clancy
    Whenever he got his Irish up
    The clot shot lowered the boom

    (Warms the cockles of my half Irish heart)

  6. Two weeks ago, there were 3 people, men, 48 – 51yo in the obituary column, all were “died unexpectedly”. Small town newspaper.
    I’m sure suggesting the JAB, would not go well.


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