A Reminder to Europe and America – IOTW Report

A Reminder to Europe and America

illegal muslisms

Diversity is one of those neat ideas on paper that has zero historical evidence for its function, let alone success. Instead, we see it appearing time and again as one of the symptoms of a dying regime. Unable to keep its people motivated, it outsources and then imports the outsourced, quickly obliterating its culture and eventually veering toward third-world status. [ More at Diogenes’MiddleFinger]

3 Comments on A Reminder to Europe and America

  1. It is well known in sociology and economics that “diversity” creates instability. For the donor class, the greater the instability, the more freedom people will give up in return for government “protection” (example: Patriot Act, TSA).

    You will not find this on any liberal organization’s test.

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